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Jungkook: "So guys.... I wanna be a female."
*sophia and v are lookin shook

Jungkook: "No guys... that's not what I meant."
*sophia mumbles sarcastically "Riiiight."
Jungkook: "So anyway I wanted to tell you guys about this because I want to dress up as a female but I wanted the opinions of a female and a male so yeah.."
Sophia: "I mean alright... if that's the way you swing..."
*V pushes Sophia's shoulder jokingly
V: "Sophia stoooop..." and v laughs a little


(V, Sophia and Jungkook are now at Sophia's house by taking rap-monsters car)

Sophia: "Okay so y'all.. don't mind the mess I just haven't got to yet.. I just haven't had enough time in my days doing nothing."
V: " Yeah I'll pretend I don't see the cherry flavored used condom on the floor next to the couch."
"I'm just kidding y'all don't take that too seriously."
V: "Right." *with a joking smirk
*Sophia pushes v's chest back
Sophia: "Play too much." *laughs it off
Sophia: "So you wanna look like a baaaaad chick."
Jungkook: "I said just female but..."
Sophia: "Nope.... baaaad chick."
Sophia: "Bad females only hang out with other bad females so if u want baaaad chicks.. you gots to be... a baaaad chick.. ya feel me?"
Jungkook: "I mean no but if you want me tooooo..." *leans in closer to Sophia
*sophia leans back and v pushes him away like whoooah what you doin.
Sophia: "Um so anyway let's make youuu... a baaaad chick."
V: *in a manly (like baseball game-ish shouts) Yeaaaaahhh  WOO WOO WOO!"
* Sophia takes v and Jungkook to her clothing closet and opens it up
Sophia: " So here we go I guess..."

* Jungkook gets a whole makeover.... he's got on a wig, a waist trainer, a booty bumping spanx, and a push up bra filled with tissue to get extra big titties. And Sophia even took it a step further and gave Jungkook the Instagram baddie makeup look.
Jungkook also now has a high fake girl's voice.

V: "I hate to say this man but you really do look like .... a girl."
Jungkook: "Awwww... I bet you say that to all the boys."
Sophia: "Bruhhh." *sophia says while laughing
Sophia: "Y'all are too much for me.. but anyway honey you can't be lookin that fly with my 1,000 dollar dress on with those hairy ass gorilla ass "I live deep in the woods" lookin ass legs."
*Sophia, V, and Jungkook head out in rapmonsters car to the gas station to get waxing strips for Jungkooks hairy legs.
* They pull up at the gas station.

V: "Hey guys.. I think I found them!"
*Sophia and Jungkook's cross dressin' lookin' self run over to V

Sophia: " V... those are not waxing strips... those are pads for pubescent girls who can't wear tampons yet."
V: " Well hey if you flip it over it'll give you a Brazilian wax right." *with a playful smile on his face
Sophia: " I can't with you." *giggling

*jungkook runs off and suddenly stops

Jungkook: "Hey guys I found the waxing strips!"
Sophia: "Alright get'em n' let's go."

*they ride back to Sophia's house

Jungkook: "Will this hurt 'cause I REALLY don't want this to hurt!"

Sophia: "Alright calm the f down and TAKE IT LIKE A MAN"...*looks at Jungkooks dress one more time.... "or whatever."

V: "Hollup wait where is rapmonster?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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