The White House- Chapter 15

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New chapter :) I still need to edit so there will be mistakes, I just felt guilty for not uploading for over a week so caved. I will go back through tomorrow and put in all the corrections and maybe add a few things to correct the mistakes :)

Anyway, enjoy :P

Chapter 15

The world seemed to tip around me as I watched the blood seep from Tom's side, my hand clutching at my mouth as I muffled another shrill scream from escaping my dry lips. What had just happened? Rushing forward, I dropped to my knees, my hands hurrying with frenzied panic in search of the bullet wound. The shot seemed to come from nowhere, taking down Tom as if his life meant nothing more than a flimsy piece of wood in someone's hand, being snapped with the slightest pressure.

"Tom!" I shrieked, holding his head so that it wouldn't loll ungraciously across the floor.

I searched his chest vigilantly, pulling up is shirt to find the small hole so that I could stop the bleeding. Feeling helpless, I carried on searching his bloody red chest, my whimpers growing stronger and stronger, until I finally came across the small hole that was situated to the left of his stomach.

Hearing Tom cough, I began to sob, "Stay with me Tom."

Tom looked at me weakly, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "What a bugger." His eyes glazed over, his smile slowly fading from his face.

"If you leave me now Tom, I will slap you until you can't feel your face anymore," I warned him, letting raw panic consume me as I watched Tom's eyes close. Shaking his shoulders roughly, one of his eyes opened slowly.

"Stop shaking me silly," he grumbled his throat sounding rough, like two stones being rubbed against each other.

It was then that I got used to my surroundings, watching as people screamed around me, chaos erupting as a consequence of the gun shot.

"Call an ambulance!" I heard someone shout, their face blurred in the crowd of moving people as they made their way to the exit. The following minutes were like a scene from an action movie, ambulance lights flashing blue, and the light sweeping the length of the room over and over again.

In the meantime I stayed kneeling on the floor, my hand stroking his head as I waited for paramedics to rush forward and take over. I was holding a table cloth to the wound when a man dressed in a fluorescent coat and green uniform approached. He took one look at Tom before zipping open a first aid bag. "Thank you Miss," he said to me, breaking me out of my panicked stupor. I jumped upon hearing his voice, my body shaking with violent shudders as I tried to hold back the sobs. I had to stay strong.

The man put his hand over mine for a second in an attempt to steady me before taking the cloth I was holding away from the wound. Blood bubbled endlessly out of the hole, and I winced at the sight of Tom's life literally flowing away from him.

"He's going to be okay isn't he?" I asked a female paramedic, her face set in solemnity as she worked methodically over Tom's body. When she didn't reply I felt my heart rate accelerate till it felt like my heart wasn't beating anymore. My head couldn't comprehend the fact that Tom could actually die. One moment we were walking to our chairs and the next he was just laying there.

When they put an oxygen mask over his mouth I felt like fainting. Swiping a stray piece of hair away from my mouth I watched in horror as they rolled him onto a board, his face crumbling in sedated pain as they moved him to the ambulance.

"Wait, can I come?" I pleaded, getting up off the floor and making my way over to Tom.

The paramedics looked at me for a second, then nodded, "Just be quick, we need to get him to hospital as soon as possible to stop any internal bleeding."

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