love at first sight

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(Comet pov)

I was in what Star and Marco called the principal's office to get registered to go to school, he seems like a nice guy other that he has a funny looking mustache

"So Comet you want join our school is that correct?" He ask with a serious tone

"Yes sir" I replied with confidence

"Well I'm sorry to say, but you're a bit too late you see we're in the middle of the semester and theres nothing I can do about it"

I was starting to feel disappointed, but then I began to think of a plan and that's when I thought of something. I took out my dimensional scissors from my pocket and opened a portal to mewnie, I went through it and after a few seconds I came back with a bag in my hand. I opened it to reveal gold and I he instantly smiled by the sight of all the gold

"You know some rules are meant to be broken. So congratulations welcome echo creek academy.he said happily as he took the bag like it was his most prized possession

"Thank you sir" I said and he gave me a piece of paper that has the names of the classes I'm going to take

I walked outside of the office and when I closed the door, I quickly heard the principal scream with happiness. Before I started walking I see Star and Marco walking towards me while Marco was holding a blue back pack in his hand

"So how did it go?"Star asks with a big smile

"It went great actually after I gave him a bag filled with gold" I replied

"Well he is a sucker for money"Marco exclaimed and handed me the back pack

"I magically made that for you and also with the school supplies that you need for classes"

"Thanks Star" I said happily

"Come on let's go find you're locker and head to class, so we can tell you more about this school!" Marco said as he started walking with Star next to him

"Ok but first let me take my neckless out from under my shirt! It's starting to give me an itch" I said as I pulled my shirt and took out my sun shaped neckless from underneath

"Ooohhhhh cool neckless Comet"Star said

"Thanks now lets go find my locker!" I said happily and began walking with them

(Star pov)

We reached Comet's locker which is right next to Marco's locker and mine. I still can't believe that my cousin is here on earth, I just hope the people here like him.

"So Comet are you ready for your first day" I ask and he looked at me with big smile

"You know it" he replied

"Ok but you should know that our home room teacher is a troll and she kinda has a temper"

"So this school is like magical or something for accepting trolls?" He ask and tilted his head in confusion

"It's not magical, Star tried to make her younger but ended up turning her into a troll" Marco explained and looked at me with a small smile

"It was an accident, but anyway let's go to class before Ms.Skullnick gets there first"

We were about to head to class but we stopped when we heard a bunch of students cheering loudly. We walked to where the cheering was coming from and we saw jackie doing amazing tricks on her skate board on a out door lunch table, she gave us a small wave while doing a trick and began losing her balance

"Oh no she's going to fall" I said and took my wand to make something soft for her to fall on

I was about to cast a spell when I saw comet dropping his backpack to the ground and running to her with incredible speed

"I GOT HER! I GOT HER!" He caught her but still end up falling to the ground

(Third person pov)

Star and Marco ran to Comet and Jackie that were on ground. Jackie started getting up from Comet while rubbing the left size of her head

"Comet! Jackie! Are you both ok" Star ask as she helps Jackie getting up

"I'm fine Star"

"What about you Comet?" Marco asks as he lends Comet a hand to get up

Comet took Marco's hand,got up and began dusting himself off

"Thanks for catching me"Jackie said as she looked at Comet who was dusting himself off

"No problem, That fall looked like it could've..." Comet stopped at mid sentence when he looked at Jackie"hurt"

Comet and Jackie looked at each others emerald green eyes, there was complete silence leaving Star and Marco looking left and right waiting to see, if anybody will say anything but Star decided to speak

"Uh guys? Hello?" Star said while she waved her hand in front of they're faces

"Huh? What?" Comet and Jackie said union when they broke out of they're trance

"Welcome back you two" Marco said with a small chuckle

"Sorry I zoned out a little bit" Comet said as he scratch the back of his head

"Yeah by looking at Jackie's eyes" Star exclaimed with her arms crossed and a smirk

Comet and Jackie looked at each other and quickly looked away with a small blush, the silence returned but was soon broken by Star again

"So jackie this is my cousin Comet" Star said which made Jackie look at her with surprise

"You mean the one from mewnie?" Jackie asks as she looks at Comet

"Yup. And Comet this is my friend Jackie"

"Nice to meet you Jackie" Comet said as held his hand in front of her

"Nice to meet you too" she shook his hand and gave him a small smile

"Um guys? Class is about to start and you know how much Ms.Skunllnick hates it when someone is late" Marco said as he looked at his watch

"Yeah he's right, let me get my skateboard so we can...ouch" Jackie knelt down on her left knee and grabbed her right ankle while wincing in pain

Star quickly knelt down next to Jackie, feeling worried of what happened her

"Jackie are you alright" Star asks worriedly and places her right hand on Jackie's left shoulder

"No I think sprained my ankle on the fall" Jackie let go of her ankle only to reveal a small swollen purple bruise

"Let me take care of that for you!" Comet said he took his wand out from his hoodie pocket and placed it against Jackie's ankle

The wand began to glow a small bright light, making some of the students to cover they're eyes. The light faded and so was the injury on Jackie's ankle, she looked at her ankle in disbelief.

"Oh my God. Thank you so much" she said cheerfully and began hopping to make it doesn't hurt

"Your welcome and we really should head to class, because the last thing I want is for a troll to be angry at me"he picked his back pack from the ground and began following Marco to class

Everybody started walking to they're classed a bit disappointed that the show is over. Star and Jackie on the other hand walked behind Comet and Marco while Star noticed that Jackie had a small smile and blush on her face.

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