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(Jackie's pov)

I suppose that I couldn't think that this day was going to be normal. I saw Comet and Star, fly out of portal and now all of us were running for our lives since Star, took us to a dimension where flying eye balls that shoot lasers from they're eye were chasing and shooting us.

"AAHHHHH!" Marco screamed like a girl

"STAR WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU BROUGHT US HERE?!" Comet yelled while he evaded a laser



Star quickly took out her scissors, but they got shot out of her hand. I quickly ran, picked them up and threw them to Marco, and he quickly opened a portal giving us all the opportunity to escape from the danger.

"Close it, Marco!" Alfonzo said while sounding out of breath

I was breathing hard and was happy that we all survived. Comet on the other hand looked like he wanted to kill Star, since he was looking at her with a death glare while the tip of his hair had a small flame on it, but Janna, quickly put it out with her thumb and index finger.

"Thank you, Janna" Comet said kindly

"No prob" she said with small smile and looked at Star "and Star, I know I'm all about burning stuff especially school material, but when it comes to me being burned alive that's a whole different thing"

"Sorry guys, but I thought it was safe" Star said sheepishly

"So I guess you didn't see the skeletons on the ground?" Ferguson asks with a raised eyebrow

"*nervous laugh* no"

"Ok raise your hand on who ever wants to go with me to a fun and safe dimension that wont kill us the next time!" Comet said as he raised his hand

All of us and even Marco, raised our hands and Star just looked at him and us with a pout.

"You win by a land slide, dude" Ferguson said with a smirk

"Now raise your again on who ever wants to go with Star to another dimension, but one that is a minor threat." Comet raised his hand again

We all raised our hands again and Star, got a bit more cheerful.

"I guess I can live with that and we're still going to the mall after school right?" Star asks

"Yep" I replied

"Can I go with you guys?" Janna asks "I have nothing to do after school"

"Can we go to?" Alfonzo and Ferguson ask in union

"Sure and you guys can help us find a birthday present for Brittney" Comet said and everyone's expressions turned serious

"Oh, you know I just remember I have football practice after school, and I won't be able to go so I'll see you guys in class" Ferguson said as he started walking away

(Marco's pov)

All of us noticed that Ferguson's pants had a hole on the back with slight burns around it and it showed his boxers that had tacos on them. We started laughing and Ferguson looked at us with curiosity.

"What's so funny?" He asks

"The back of your pants got blasted" Star said while laughing

Ferguson covered himself while a blush of embarrassment appeared on his face and we started to calm down from the laughter.

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