Chapter 9

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Jo was going to run. She packed up a few clothes, got in her car and started to drive. Where to? No family. One friend in LA who had two kids and was getting a divorce. No, no one to run to. Not one single damn person.

She made a u-turn and headed back to her place. Tears, real ones, were streaming down her face. Her hands shaking uncontrollably on the steering wheel. What the hell am I going to do? She sat in her car for ten minutes just sobbing, desperate for it all to go away. Her phone was vibrating in her pocket.

Meredith Grey.

Jo wiped her face and nose with the back of her shirt. Took a deep breath and vowed those would be the last tears she shed about this. Period. Another deep breath.

"Hello?" Why would Meredith be calling her? Crap. Alex. He was in the hospital again? Please let him be okay, she thought.

"Hey, princess. Sorry I haven't called, but Zo broke her freakin' arm at the recital. A huge kid, I think in high school, real linebacker, tackled her..." He went on and on, explaining the lost phone, the gifted performance by Zo, how tough she was...

"Alex, can I come over? I think I might be arrested."

Alex explained to Meredith that he needed some time alone with Jo. He silently cursed himself for not being there for her last night, for losing his phone. He'd said so much and followed through on none of it.

"The police might even arrest her? You believe that? Dr. Douche gets physical and she might get arrested!"

"She did give him a brain bleed," piped in Cristina from outside the door.

"And almost kill him," added Meredith.

"You know what I mean! If you're a dude, you just don't touch a woman, ever!" Alex tried to explain Jo's side hoping to garner a little support.

"You don't touch women?" asked Cristina with an utterly confused look on her face.

"Do you touch men?" asked Meredith innocently.

"Yeah, how does that work, Karev? Without touching." Yang looked at her friend and both erupted into hysterics.

"Grow up!" yelled Alex only making the duo laugh even harder.

"Frat boy told us to grow...UP!" Cristina was kneeling over, shaking with laughter.

Meredith was trying to catch her breath and speak. It was a losing battle.

Finally she gained a little composure. "Don't sweat it Alex. We're taking Zo for ice cream. She's going stir crazy and has to get out of here. The place is yours for a few hours."

"Just remember your no touching rule because I don't want you screwing up all my hard work. Take it easy," demanded Cristina.

"Did you just say 'screw up' your work?" asked Meredith beginning a whole new fit of laughter. She went over to Alex and kissed the scowl off his forehead rubbing his arm, all the while trying to hold in the giggles.

"I'm serious. You're keeping your ass in this bed. You're drinking plenty of water," Cristina said pointing to a pitcher by his bed. "You are going to try to eat some of this," she continued pointing to the array of pudding and jello on the nightstand.

"We'll be back in two hours."

Jo arrived five minutes after they left. She let herself in.

"Come here," said Alex reaching out his arm. She went to his side joining him on the bed. She didn't say anything, looking at his face.

He didn't need this right now. The dark circles under his eyes showed how truly worn out he was. His first full day out of the hospital was spent at a manic dance recital then at the emergency room worried about a three-year-old.

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now