Chapter 4

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Haley woke up to find herself on the couch. "Wha..." She stopped herself from getting up when she felt a weight on her. She rubbed her eyes and looked down to find the orange haired boy sleeping on her lap.

She tried to shake him awake, but he didn't seem to feel it at all.

What were we doing last night? She mentally asked herself while looking around the room. The tv was on, DVD cases are on the floor and there was some leftover food on the table. She noticed a blanket covering them both and nodded to herself. "Oh right... Movie night."

Then she felt a something soft brushing off her lap and a stir. She looked down to go face to face with Shiren, merely inches from his face. His face was clueless at first, as if trying to process his surroundings. When he finally realized their position, he immediately sat up.

"S-sorry... I guess I fell on top off you while I slept..." He muttered quietly.

"I-it's fine..." Haley gave a small timid smile.

Though neither have said it outloud, it was no secret that they had feelings for each other. The orange haired boy made his move several months ago, yet the silver haired girl had been quite hesitant in answering. Having that situation between them, a time like this, would be very awkward for both sides.

Both had their cheeks tinted red as they stared at each other. The boy sighed in somewhat a relieved way while as the girl felt her heart rate sped up faster than ever before.

Shiren then shook his head and stood up. "We better clean everything up."

Haley snapped out of her thoughts and nodded instantly. "Right!"

Though, because of what happened before, both were standing at a respective distance from one another.


After having done the clean up, Shiren went into shower. Haley was cooking breakfast for both. Well, making french toast isn't really cooking, but still...

After eating her share, she went to her room to prepare her clothes. Then she heard a knock on her bedroom door. When she opened it, she immediately tensed up.

"Sorry, I think I left my shirt in here." Shiren let himself in and passed the stunned Haley. He was only in his black jeans and he had his towel hanging around his neck. Water was dripping off his hair and onto his bare body.

Haley covered her face with the shirt she was holding. Her face was so red that a tomato would feel offended and her heart was beating in an unbelievable pace.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She hesitantly looked up and her trembling eyes met with Shiren's sharp ones. She looked down, her face cooling off. "I-I'm..." When she took another glimpse of him her heart beat began to speed up and her face turned red again. "W-why are you still shirtless?!"

Shiren looked at her confused. "Well my hair is still sort of wet, so I figured I should wait until it dries off if I don't want my shirt to get wet. If you're worried about me catching a cold then you don't have to be. We're using the indoor heaters, right?"

"T-that's not what I was..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She was too flustered to do so.

"Are you alright? Your whole face is red." He pointed out, inching closer.

She nodded shakily. "I-I'm just gonna take a shower now." Then she dashed off to the bathroom, taking her clothes with her.

Shiren could only watch with a confused expression. "What just happened?"


Shiren started eating his breakfast while waiting for his hair to dry off. He knew he had to wait a while because his hair was so thick so he made a point to clean his piccolo afterwards, to make sure there's nothing clogging it up.

After a while, he noticed that Haley still hadn't gone out of the bathroom yet.

"Do girls really take that long for baths?" He asked himself. He went over to the door and knocked. "Hey, what's taking so long? Are you okay in there?" Then he heard the sound of metal dropping to the ground. It made him jump but he regained his composure. "What was that?"

"N-nothing! I just dropped the shower gun!" Haley's reply came in an instant.

"What are you doing with the shower gun?" He questioned.

"Don't question the way I shower!" She shouted over the door.

His cheeks flushed with embarressment. "W-well, you might want to hurry up! You could catch a cold if you stay in the water too long."

"Alright!" A few minutes later, she stepped out of the door, wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a knee-lenght denim skirt, as well as blue legwarmers.

Her face was still sort of flushed due to the boy still being shirtless, but she acted as if nothing happened and hung her towel on the rack. "You know... You could've used the hairdryer."

He stared at her blankly. "There's a hairdryer in there?"

"Well no... It's in my room..." She said, still flushed.

The boy sweatdropped. "You could've told me..." He headed inside the room and Haley followed closed behind. He sat in front of the mirror and started to dry his hair while Haley watched. She sat on the bed, trying to hide her blush.

She felt the warm air blasting from the hairdryer, making her face redder than it already was. Slowly, her gaze became fuzzy and her eyes closed. Her body leaned forward involuntarily causing her to fall off the bed.

Shiren noticed this while staring at the mirror and caught her right before she hit the floor. "Haley! Are you...?!"

She was breathing heavily. Her eyes were closed so he guessed she was unconcious. He lifted her bridal style and placed her on the bed. He felt her temperature and let out a sigh of relief when he realized it wasn't that high.

"Not a fever. Maybe just because of the heat." He turned off the hairdryer that he accidently left on and turn down the heat a bit on the room's heater.

He sighed and watched the girl's chest rise and fall. Her breathing had settled down a little but her eyes were still closed. He could see small tears gathered under her eyelids.

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