Chapter 22

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Here is the final chapter!! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and I'm going to be entering it into the WattpadPrize14 so I'd appreciate all the support I can get!!

Without further ado....

Chapter 22


Opening my eyes I was met with complete darkness.

It made no difference if my eyes were open or not.

I couldn’t hear anything, not even the sound of my own breathing.

The only thing I could feel was the cold metal under me.

I slowly sat up and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, it seemed that even air didn’t come out.

I knew I was breathing. I couldn’t feel the air coming in or out, I couldn’t feel my chest moving up or down, but I still knew I was breathing.

Where am I? How did I get here?

A thought occurred to me and I was suddenly able to feel the cold from the metal seep into my bones.

Am I dead?

No, I can’t be dead. There has to be some way to see where I am. A light bulb, or a flashlight, just about anything would work to brighten up this darkness.

I guess I could make a flashlight appear, I just better make sure to control my power because I don’t want everyone to know what I am because of my light, it’ll make….

Wait a second!

How can I be so stupid?

I can just use my light to find out where I am.

I imagined my Ezra light shining from my hand, but nothing happened.

I tried every power the same way except my Atara power, and none of them had worked.

Closing my eyes I hoped against everything that it would work. Imagining my power flowing through my hands I slowly opened my eyes and was filled with joy.

It had worked!

It had finally worked!

Using the light from my hand I looked around the room and a soundless scream escaped my lungs and then I was quickly surrounded by a swirling blackness.

When I finally stopped soundlessly screaming the blackness began to clear and I was in the throne room again, but instead of my mom at the top of the stair case it was another woman with a man standing beside her, both had crowns on their head.

She had the same brown eyes as my mother and I, but her hair was a dark brown, like mine.

The man beside her had light blue eyes and blonde hair, like my mothers.

There was a single person in the room, besides the man and the woman.

I was behind him and could only see his body and his black hair as his head was bowed clear to the ground.

His hair looked oddly familiar.

He slowly stood up and I was suddenly able to see his face, but I could also see the back of his head.

It was more than a little disorienting seeing from more than one direction at once.

When I got over the momentary disorientation I focused on his face and my entire view changed so I looked at him as if I was right in front of him.

Now I understand why I recognized his hair.

He was just like the man that had come into the throne room when my mother tried to kill me, only a younger version than what I had seen before, and he seemed to save my life, but then he did something weird to me.

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