Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I gasped and looked up to see Enoch’s worried face looking down at me.

I was cradled in his arms, just like that vision.

“Enoch, we need to leave, now.” I whispered as I rested my head against his shoulder.

That vision had taken a lot of my strength.

They usually came when I was asleep and my soul didn’t fight it as much.

“Are you okay?” Enoch asked as he pulled me closer.

“I am, for now, but if we don’t leave right now we are both going to be in trouble. Can you take me with you the way you left the first time?”

He shook his head and sighed.

“I am not strong enough to take anyone with me. It takes too much of my energy just to bring myself somewhere.”

I lifted up my head and tried to get down, but it wasn’t so easy because Enoch just tightened his grip on me.

“Enoch let me down!” It was so frustrating how he seemed to do exactly the opposite of what I was trying to do.

He sighed but slowly let me down.

“Now, you need to leave. I will find my own way out of here.”

He frowned at my words.

“I’m not leaving you again.”

Why does he have to be so stubborn?

“I will find my way out of here and then you can find me, but if you get captured because of me I won’t be able to live with it. The guards are coming here right now and if you don’t leave they will capture you and everything will be for nothing. Leave, now!” I felt some of my power leak into my words and my white light glowed brighter.

He looked so hurt, but he finally listened, almost as if he didn’t have a choice.

Right after he disappeared I heard a loud noise and then saw Adira in my doorway.

“Hello, sister.” I tried to keep my voice at a monotone so she couldn’t tell what I was feeling.

I saw uncertainty appear on the men’s face as they waited for her next command.

“How are you today? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

She glared at me.

“Arrest her.” She ordered.

All the men looked from her to me uncertainly. They took a step forward, but I stopped them.

“You heard her. She wants you to arrest her only sister, and it’s her twin no less.”

Their eyes showed their surprise and they looked between us again, this time studying us more closely.

“Don’t listen to her! She is creating lies!”

I chuckled. “That’s right! Listen to her because she is so much more special than her twin. It’s too bad I’m older than her, don’t you think? I am the rightful heir for the throne and I don’t plan to let it go anytime soon. The current queen does not deserve the position she has and I will do everything I can to see to getting a rightful queen there.”

Adira was clearly angered by my words.

“See! She is plotting against the queen! Arrest her, this instant!”

The men took another step forward, but stopped when I raised my hand.

I let my Atara power flow through me and show brighter than normal.

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