Chapter 1:

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I was walking around a place known as Hero Academy. Was I a hero? Fuck no. I'm more like a vigilante. Screw them rules, teachers, and staff.

"Violet can you please come to the office." Called 'Ms. I don't give a shit', on the speakers.

My name ran through the speakers causing fear to everyone.

"I wonder if they finally found out, I was the one who pushed Alex in that never ending well." I mumbled, a smirk appearing on my lips.

Quickly the other students of Hero Academy cleared to the sides, making a path for me to walk. That's right, make room for your queen, peasants. The hallway was silent as I walked to my called destination. The only sound you could hear was the sound of my black boots hitting the cold, harsh tiles of the school. My purple hair elegantly flowing as I walk. Looking at the wimps faces, the looks of fear was brought to each and every face. As I was approaching the office my smirk only grew bigger. I then knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The 999-year old woman said. When I walked in I was greeted by a mountain of wrinkles, sharp brown eyes and a rats nest she calls a hair-do.

"Hello Ms. Bitch, how may I help you today?" I batted my eyes politely.

Then someone started snickering, it was some guy with armor, blue orbs, brown hair, and the royal crust on his belt? Looks about 18. In other words he looked like a whore. You know those guys that sleep with a bunch of girls. Yep, describes him perfectly. Then out of nowhere Ms. Bitch rudely interrupted our staring contest by coughing. Come on woman if you that sick go home, no one wants you here anyway.

"The names Mrs.Bennett to you." She glared daggers at me.

"Yeah, so it's Ms. B. Also why you saying Mrs? It's not like anyone would ever want to marry you." I snarled.

The very senior woman just glared at me. Dude I think natural causes should have killed you by now, but for some unknown reason you're still alive. But I could be wrong, right? At least that's what I thought, in my head. I think.

"Tch. Look, you were requested to go on a mission. So get ready, you'll be leaving tomorrow morning." She told me, trying to kill me with her eyes.

Oh, so scary, Ms. Bitch glared at me. I think I might die, I'm trembling in my boots.

"Kay, now may I go know?" I asked raising my eyebrow and gesturing to the door.

The old hag just shook her head in disappointment. "Violet you're a very talented person, but you could be so much better if you took the world like reality instead of a game."

I pouted, "but playing a games are more fun than reality."

She just rolled her eyes and pointed to the boy, "this is prince Xander Hart. He is going to the kingdom of Thaix. The princess there offered her hand in marriage for peace, so your job is to escort him there."

"Three questions, why me? Why can't you get your guards to escort you? And why in the world do you think I would want to help you in the first place?" I questioned, the boy.

"They said you were the best, I was threatened that if I were to go they would kill me, and you will be paid for this." He answered my questions.

So this dude was threatened and he wants one 17 year old girl to protect him. Yeah, cause that makes sense.

"Why go if you're being threatened?" I said abruptly.

"That's classified." He says.

"Okay, then. Well is that it?"

"Meet me in the front gates at eleven am sharp."

"Sure, Ms. Bitch I'm going to be in my room to pack. See ya then, X." I waved off, walking back into the hallway to my room.

Once I got back I quickly pulled out my black backpack that had white dots. I just stuffed in clothes, food, a compass, a watch, and a pouch of money. I sighed as I flopped on my bed. Thinking about life, but with the room so quiet I quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.

"No don't leave me!" A young girl yelled, at the ones she called family.

"You're a worthless piece of shit. I wonder why mother ever gave birth to you." My brother spat.

"Fucking low life, go to hell." His twin kicked me in the stomach before the two of them left me to die.

The little girl curled into a ball, and cried herself to sleep.


"Ah!" I shot up panting in a cold sweat, smacking my alarm clock in the process.

Them bastards, I can't wait until I find them and bet the crap out of them. They're going to be six feet under. As my breathing slowed down, I look to my alarm clock on the floor. 10:45! Shit! I'm going to be late.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap." I repeated getting ready and running to the school gates.

"Why good morning, Violet. I like your, uh um twin swords?" He compliment me in more of a questioning way, pointing to the swords on my back.

"Hey, you have your toys to play with and so do I." I said pulling myself up on my horse, Aeris.

"Fair enough." Xander replied, getting up on his horse. "Oh! I totally forgot to give this to you." He handed me toast with jam on it. "You probably skipped breakfast and we can't let the hero starve right?" He gave me a goofy grin.

"Um, thanks." I took the piece of bread from him and ate it.

'Was this guy always like this?' I asked/thought to myself

"Ready?" X asked breaking me out of my thoughts, I nodded my head.

"Let's ride!" I shouted taking off into the distance.

"Hey wait up!" I heard Xander shout riding after me.

"Nope, you'll have to catch up Mr.prince!" I shouted back, getting Aeris to go faster.

Well you know what they say, in the need we only regret the things we didn't take.

I'm Not A Hero #OnceUponNowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora