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The world. Filled with many human beings and each and every one of them containing their own unique story. Today we follow the story of a young girl, whose heart had been toyed with, and mind torn up to bits.

Yukiko laid there, defenceless. No one was ever there for her. It was as if she didn't belong to anyone. As if she was that lost kitten at the end of an alleyway that no one cared for. But she did indeed have a family. One that saw her as none other than a broken doll. Useless, so they all left her. Except for her mom. Not that that was any better.

"Haha! Look at her! Poor soul, she looks like she's in pain," someone says sadistically.

"Come on, kick her harder! She doesn't have anyone to tell anyways. " says another child.

"Ya! I heard her mom abuses her daily! No wonder why she's so ugly. " says a third one, who casually passed by.

"I feel sort of sorry for her. She has to endure so much pain. But she probably deserves it anyway." a fourth one joins in.

Elementary school. Where even the craziest rumours can be spread, with horrible, filthy people, who always seemed to be the ones who pass them on. However, this was not a rumour. It was the truth. And everyone knew about it. And since kids are usually one of the cruellest kinds of people on the planet, they take advantage of this and make the pain even worse, for the one suffering this fate. This time, it would be Yukiko.

"What have I done to deserve this cruelty?" Yukiko wonders to herself.

Soon, the kids retire from their relentless games as a teacher comes by, trying their best to flee the situation, as to not be caught.

"One day, I will come back stronger!" she shouts after the group of bullies.

"You'll see."

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