Chapter 2: Apology

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"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Hinata asks.
No answer.
"You know, I wonder what kinds of people there are on the volleyball team! What about you?"
No answer.
"You're pretty shy aren't you? I don't even know your name yet."
"I'm not shy. Don't make assumptions about those you don't know very well" Yukiko says.

And with that, the two walk silently towards the gym, until, once again, Hinata breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry" he says, looking at her for the first time since this morning. This time, he notices the sorrow in her face, and the deep void of emptiness in her eyes.

Yukiko on the other hand, was quite shocked at this apology. It has been long since the last time someone said those words to her. It has always been the other way around. It was as though she had earned an achievement when Hinata apologized. She felt almost grateful.

"Kamitani Yukiko," she says.
"Sorry?" Hinata asks.
"That's my name, since you wanted to know."

Hinata's face brightened. "Thank you, Kamitani-san!" he exclaims.
"Don't tell anyone."
His celebration ends abruptly and says, "O-okay."

Hinata and Yukiko eventually arrive at the gymnasium. With a lot of enthusiasm and anticipation, Hinata opens the gymnasium door, only to find his worst fear. His face suddenly turns from one of excitement to one of horror.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he shouts.

Inside, a tall, black-haired boy stands there, just as surprised. A volleyball falls and hits his head...

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