Meeting Gandalf

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I was walking along the pathway that leads from the stream bed to my little hut bout 10 mins away, since I was washing my clothes and collecting some fruit for when I do decide to travel or some unexpected guests decides to drop on by without notice....
Like an old friend known as Gandalf the grey for I have a feeling that he'll need my help for whatever reason he has this time.
After I gathered up enough of what I need for a while I heard a knock on my door and I went to answer it quickly and I said" why Gandalf, what a surprise to see you on this lovely day, oh do please come in and have tea and cookies, will you please?" Gandalf said" why thank you and yes please, you are most generous Desert" I said" thank you and welcome, what are you doing here gandalf?" Gandalf said" I need help with a group of dwarves who are taking back the lonely mountain and it's treasures deep inside the mountain and I'm hoping that The company will meet here, and there'll be a mark upon your door for the company to locate your home." I said" I don't mind, but what am I going to tell them bout me? I mean they'll ask questions about me and you know that I will not tell them, but if they do then tell them the story of me please gandalf, I cannot bare it cause 'that' day will be upon me soon.' Gandalf said' I'd be more than honored to tell them the story, but you can't hide from your destiny with the one who is called Oakenshield, for you and his path will be intertwined together.' I said' I know, his voice is baritone, and his eyes is a deep misty blue, but that's all I know.'

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