Jason The Night Guard

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Bonbon's POV

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Bonbon's POV

-"Guys!" A voice called out, I turned around and saw our friend Jason the Nightguard. 

-"T-there wa-" I started when Jason painfully finished, 

-"Them, the originals. Never thought I would see Freddy, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie walking around these walls.". 

-"Jason, you seem to know them, tell us about them." Frida asked him. Jason took a seat on a box and started, 

-"T-They were my friends. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy. Sometimes Goldie or Springy would come out. But anyways, they let me live. On my first night, I-I ran out of power but they spared me, said that I was different. I befriended them and it was really nice... until they were replaced by you guys.", 

-"We are really sorry." Cina reassured him.

-"Its no ones fault. Its just that I really hate seeing them in pain like that." He said trailing off,

-"We are animatronics, we don't feel pain." Mangle pointed out and I hit her on the shoulder because that wasn't a good time to tell that.

-"Not physically, but mentally. They may all be, upset when they got replaced. Though Foxy should be used to this cause he was out of order for a really long time, but the others... Bonnie must be really angry due to the fact the Pizzeria's owner scrapped him." Jason finished.

-"Golden Freddy left me with this." I told him holding up the pocket watch by the chain.

-"H-he, gave it to you? Wow, its just that he is REALLY attached to it."Jason told me. He took the watch from me and wiped the lid revealing the initials G.F on the lid. He clicked the coma, which was a button and the pocket watch opened in the coolest way. The lid raised revealing a clock at the back of it. Under the lid was a picture frame that slid to the right, under it was ANOTHER picture frame that slid to the left and under that was another one that slid to the bottom and under that the final picture frame which was the base.

-"Who are in these pictures?" Cina asked him.

-"In the left one is Springtrap, Goldie himself, and I. in the right one is Freddy and Chica. The bottom one is foxy and Bonnie. And the middle one is just a group picture." Jason explained slightly smiling while looking at the group picture.

-"This makes sense! Gold said that this will help us find Bonnie's face and arm. And it does!" I exclaimed we all got up and left backstage. Just then the 6 A.M bell rang so that means Jason had to go home and us animatronics had to get ready for the kids. 

-"Okay! We do this tomorrow." Frida ordered.

Sorry that it took forever to get this out. It was sorta hard. Anyways see you later my Music Notes.


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