Our Little Plan

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Bonbon's POV

Okay, We are having a Toy's meeting on how making peace (Especially between Bonnie and me) between us Toys, and the Originals. So I am just waiting here, strumming my guitar, for everyone to come. Cina is also nibbling on a cupcake but, ever since the 'incident' yesterday night, for some random reason, she wants us to call her Chichi now... Oh! Frida is also here, but... Something is up. She is sorta looking out the distance, her eyes looked like they saw something that they always wanted to see, not just that but she is sorta... Drooling. The only people who need to come is BB (He is just a kid and doesnt like being involved with this stuff, but this is emergancy), Mangle, Jason, and- wait, Marionette just arrived. She took one look at Frida and pointed out,

-"I think Frida is Lovestruck"

-"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?!? No way! What makes you think that?" I asked

-"I was lovestruck once, with this animatronic named Golden Freddy. Sadly Senpai never noticed me" and her once big smile, turned into a frown.

-"Sorry to hear that. So who do you think she has a crush on?" I asked, Mari was going to respond until Jason came to the Dining Room with BB by his side.

-"Her guys! Did we miss anything" Jason asked.

-"Nope! We were just waiting fo-" I was cut by the sound Of Mangle's voice shouting,

-"NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" And another voice, male, exclaimed,

-"OH YES I CAN MAKE YOU GO TO THIS MEETING!!!" And out of nowhere, came Foxy carrying Mangle over his shoulder like a potato sack, but she was having a fit, one of the worst ones yet. He put her down next to Chichi and started to walk away when Mangle grabbed his leg.

-"MANGLE LET GO!!!" He shouted,


-"GOLDIE, HELP ME!" Foxy shouted. Wait Goldie? I turned my head the direction Foxy was looking at to see Golden Freddy sitting on the table sipping a cup of tea. Everyone's but mine and Foxy's eyes widend. 'Goldie' lowerd the fragile cup from his lips and firmly said,

-"Leave me out of it" and he started to walk off when Foxy managed to grab his leg.

-"Don't leave me with her" Foxy begged while bringing out the cutest puppy dog face ever. Though Goldie's eyes shot towards the direction of the table he was sitting on, next thing I know, a scary but familiar voice spoke,

-"Yo-oU Pe-Op-pLe a-are so child-ldi-sh." I slowly turn my attention and we all literly screamed our heads off when we saw Bonnie. Foxy imediatly leg go off Goldie's leg and Mangle imediatly let go of his.

-"Thank you!" Goldie told Bonnie before disapearing in a cloud of golden smoke. I just noticed that one of Bonnie's ears were missing. Foxy got up and went next to Bonnie. He took one look at him and asked,

-"Did they scrap you for parts again? Cause one of your ears are missing."

-"A-and so i-s hal-alf of m-y voi-voice b-box." Bonnie complained. Man I feel really bad!

-"Man that new animatronic REALLY is taking Bonnie apart." Jason commented and Bonnie responded,

-"Ja-ason! L-ONg t-time, n-O s-SeE, b-bu-t tha-Nks fo-oR aGre-agreei-Ng."

-"Guys! I heard a juicy rumor the new animatronic is going to be a girl, and will be green!" Foxy piped in.

-"Where did you here that?" Jason asked, sorta giggling.

-"After Freddy bailed out, I heard some Janitors talking about it!" Foxy said in a goofy voice. But... New animatronic? WE NEVER KNEW THIS!!!

-"Hold on. We never knew this!" Chichi exclaimed.

-"Tell us more!" Frida begged, but Bonnie was one step ahead of her and with his last hand, he wrote an info log.

-"Th-E-There?" He questioned as he gave it to her, and she confidentaly responded,

-"Thank you." Well next thing you know, someone from the parts&service room shouted,

-"FOXY! BONNIE! GET BACK HERE!!!" Probably Freddy. Foxy and Bonnie then left, or where about to when Mangle tapped Foxy's shoulder and whispered something to him and then put on HER puppy dog face, he whispered something back to her and she hugged him. And THEN they left. Frida then showed us the log.

Name: Rabbita Bunny (What an uncreative name)

Age Form: Child (She should hang out with BB)

Features: A young girl with Mint colored bunny ears, long green hair (Not everyone enjoys green hair), pale skin(is she suppose to look like my daughter or something?), green sundress, neon green purple and blue high sneakers (Sundress and High Sneakers?)

Job: Entertainer/Child Care Taker (Like Mangle. What are they going to do? Also rip her apart?)

Purpose (cant spell): Storyteller (So like Foxy?)

Finished Date: 3/31/2004-4/06/2004 (Thats 10 days away.)

Well thats where the log ended.

-"We need a plan." Mangle said.

In His Eyes [DISCONTINIUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora