All about me! My worst subject..

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  " The new prince has been born!" The proud king and the happy queen showed their brown haired, green eyed newborn prince. Which if you didn't notice is me. " Garroth Ro'meave! Crown prince of Asylis!" The people cheered and threw flowers and other stuff I don't want to mention. 

 I'm the oldest in the family, I have 2 brothers and one sister, my younger brothers is Laurence and Dante ( They are twins but Dante is older) and my adopted baby sister is Azaria. Laurence and Dante had brown hair and blue eyes while Azaria had blonde hair and blue eyes and an elf.  They all acted the same, like wild children. I'm a bit more mature though, to not throw the gold statues into father or the pretty and kind maids, or run around the kingdom yelling "WE ARE UNICORNS THAT FART OUT RAINBOWS!" They are very foolish and I love them dearly, but of course I have a favorite! It's Dante. He would be the one who asks me first and if I say no then he would stand next to me and just watch the other two act wild. He also acts kinda like me and mother. Well I act like mother and even look like her so I guess he acts like Mother without being wild. Azaria is the worst at times since she has powers, like one time she made mother grow a cat tail and have cat ears then doubled the cookies and ate it all by herself.  Lucky the magic lady was able to change mother back to normal and Azaria, didn't get cookies for a WHOLE month! I felt bad because mom's cookies were legit the best! But she deserved it. That makes me remember the cookie war. 


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