The hooded man

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 There in the forest was a cloaked man. Hidden in the darkness. No one knows that the man was there. The man knows a certain person's future and knows that himself will have play a big role in that person's future. 

 Garroth walked around the Royal Garden, looking at the red roses. A gentle breeze passed as Garroth walked back to the Palace. In the throne room, the king was there wearing his hunting robes. The King smiled at his son with proud and announced, " Son, today you are in age to join the royal hunt. " Garroth looked at the King dumfound. The Royal Hunt was only for the King and his guards/ subjects. Garroth nod and then he ran down the long hall to his room where he changed into some clothes that a guard gave him before he entered his room. Garroth then walk out feeling happy, Dante and Laurence stared at him in awe while Azaria and Mother waved good bye. Two Guards came to Garroth and bowed to him. They then took the prince to the stable where they placed the young prince to a female white horse. 

   The forest was full of fat animals but the King "caught" a huge king bear after a few hours. While everyone else cheered, Garroth wandered around the forest in wonder. That was when he heard a strange voice, " Hello Young Prince." Garroth looked around with confusion in his eyes. Then in the shadows stepped out a hooded man. His face was shadowed and he had golden hair showing inside his hood, he wore brown and green clothes. The forest became quite and a breeze surrounded Garroth as the man spoke in a gentle voice, " Welcome back, brother." 

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