Wait b-brother?

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  The man had a faint smile as he walked closer. Garroth stepped back, vines seemed to come closer to the hooded man. Garroth asked in fear, "What do you mean by brother and who are you?" The man spoke in the gentle smooth mysterious voice, " I mean that your my only brother and I don't think I should reveal who I am yet." Only brother? What about Laurence or Dante? Azaria is adopted but still. Garroth was in deep confusion, " But I have other siblings." The man laughed lightly, " They didn't tell you? Well then I guess I should tell you. The twins are not your full brothers. They are your half brothers." Garroth wasn't expecting that. The man contiuned. "Haven't you noticed how Laurence and Dante both had blue eyes when you had green eyes? Well, you actually aren't the son of the King." The truth hit Garroth like a pile of bricks. Not the son of the king? Then what about his mother? "You mean our mother, I could easily read your eyes." Garroth looked up and saw that the man was dead serious. Garroth wished this was a prank or a dream. "It's hard to take in isn't it?" Garroth had tears falling down, his head hung down as he nod slowly. He heard some movement and then he felt someone hugging him. Garroth looked to see it was the man, he smelled like fresh berries and plants. The thing that made Garroth surprised was that the man hugged like his mother. Garroth didn't get anymore hugs from his mother since he had to be a prince now. "You don't have to be one right now. It's okay just be your self." The man whispered. So Garroth hugged the man back and began to cry hard. When Garroth calmed down, he still had red eyes and the man asked, " Can you keep this a secret?" Garroth nod. Then there was a loud voice, " Where is the prince!?" "Go and search for him he must be lost!" The man whispered, "It's the soldiers, well I have to go now." The man stood up and walked to a shade of two trees. "Wait what is your name?" Garroth asked quickly. The man turn around and face Garroth, "my name is Adan Isles."

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