Part II - C'est moi Chat Noir

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Ladybug's song dominated the hit charts again, making Jagged Stone as one of the most in-demand Artists of the Year. Of course, thanks again to Marinette Dupain-Cheng's charms.

However, there were murmurs - or say, purrs - all over the social media: If Ladybug has her own song, then why not Chat Noir?

Though the former has several fans, the resident cat superhero got loyal followers (including Marinette, secretly) believing that the kitty needs some love. He might be a symbol of bad luck, but he has been considered as Ladybug's equal. And as what the said Lady stated: Ladybug and Chat Noir are partners.

So how come Adrien Agreste entered the picture?

"The music video 'It's Ladybug' has taken the media by storm, something we didn't expect to happen." Jagged Stone's producer explained. Beside him was the director behind the sensational MV. "That's why we are making a companion song entitled 'That's Chat Noir', because hey - who's Ladybug without Chat Noir?"

"And we would like you, Adrien, to be the Chat."

"Wow. That's...It's an honor." the model answered, trying to hide his excitement.

Of course, he wanted to accept the offer but since it was a formal meeting, he should act professional and let Natalie handle the job.

But for some unknown reasons, Natalie wasn't there and the one who took the job was his father, Gabriel Agreste.

"Why you, of all people, decided to scout my son?"

Good question.

Adrien thought of that too, even went 'out of the box' that these people discovered some leads pointing him as a Miraculous holder, only to find it a-mew-sing.

With his calm and collected demeanor, plus a daily jet-packed schedule, there'd be no way one would think he was the person behind that pun-loving flirty hero who saves Paris during his spare time. Besides, he was purr-ty careful about his identity.

The cat wasn't out of the bag yet.

"As we all know, Chat Noir is a famous icon, however, we don't think his fans can topple Ladybug's popularity." the producer explained. "But with Adrien's celebrity status, there's a chance that the companion song will match with Marinette's."

The model wasn't offended by the man's truthful words. Chat Noir didn't crave for fame, same with Ladybug - these Parisian heroes didn't wear their Miraculous for selfish gains.

"So this is a battle about revenues, per se, but with a win-win situation - for you."

"You're a business person, Monsieur Agreste. You know the ways of money."

"By merging my son and Chat Noir's supporters? Why not?" the fashion magnate said dryly.

Adrien sensed some bitterness on his father's tone when he mentioned his alter ego's name, which dampened his happiness when he addressed him as his 'son'.

"That dark-clad superhero has a good reputation, and this MV will only boost your son's popularity, so I don't see any problems with it. Also, this is a win-win for you, Monsieur"

Gabriel glanced at the contract briefly then looked away. "I have to decline this."


All eyes bored at the flustered blond boy who suddenly stood up with gleaming eyes filled with fury and surprise. Before Gabriel could open his mouth, he immediately cut him.

"I want to take this job."


Adrien clenched his fist as he maintained his composure. "I want to take this job, Father. By all means. I want to take the role of Chat Noir."

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