Chapter 3

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"Are you sure?" I asked pulling the rather short dress down as I span around in the mirror. It was no use it just rose up again. "It’s a bit short, I’m not sure Liam would let me out side in it." I asked turning around trying to see if my bum was on full display. 

"No you look hot and the boys went half an hour ago we are already late, thank god you already did your hair" said maisie who was fixing up her make up in the mirror on my desk. "Now put these on and let’s get going. I’m driving" she said handing me black heals to match my short black dress. I had let the girls chose my hair make-up and clothes for the part. They had curled my hair and gone for a mat finished bright red lip stick. I picked up the shoes not wanting to risk breaking my ankle walking down the stairs in them. I put them on as I got to the door opening it and waiting for the girls to walk out before I shut it behind me. Following maisie to the car she got in the drivers set with me in the passenger and Melissa in the back seat. Seev’s house was a 5 minuet drive from my house. We were late as normal but then again no one was ever on time for a party really. Pulling up outside the house it was brown bricked and perfectly matched all the others on the street apart from each house had a different colour door. This one was light blue. Walking up to the door the music was blasting. Melissa pushed the door open. There was no point knocking no one would hear over the music. Walking in the house was packed the living room was the main dance room with about a hundred sweaty teen agers grinding against each other. I walked though to the kitchen where people were doing shots on the kitchen island. I picked up a red cup from the hord of them by the sink with something that looked like beer and smelt like it too. I turned round to find that both maisie and Melissa were gone. Maisie had probably found max and they were making out in a dark corner and Melissa had probably found one of the quarterbacks. I walked out into the garden what seemed to be a lot less crowded. I hadn't realized that it had been so warm inside until I step out into the cool evening air. I walked out onto the lawn. There were white fairy lights hand up on all of the bushed and chairs making it look very romantic. 

"Hey beautiful" said a smooth low voice from behind me. I turned around to see Nathan standing there I hands in his pockets with the thumb poking out. He had on a plane white t-shit that was practically see-through with a leather jacket on top. I have to say I’m a sucker for leather jackets. My heart began to pound. 

"Hey" I said smiling not sure of how to stand. How do I normally stand? What do I do with my hands? Do I point my toes? My mind raced. I opened my mouth to say something but stumbled on my words forgetting what I was going to say. 

"Can we take a walk I would like to speak to you." my throat dried up. I nodded following him. He put his hand on my lower back as normal and we walked towards the back of the garden. It seemed to curve off left, revealing a massive tree house. "Wow" I said pushing the door open on the bottom floor. There was a couch. "Well this is convenient" he said sitting down gesturing for me to sit next to him. 

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked turning towards him I couldn’t fathom why he would want to talk to me.

"First off all I want to say how amazing you look tonight" he said and I felt my ears go hot I knew I was blushing. "And second I just wanted to tell you I really like you Chloe, I have since the moment I meet you I felt something between us. I just thought that it was the right time to tell you." he said looking down at his hands. His fingers were entwined with each other. 

"I really like you too" I said not quite knowing how too resound seeing as no one had ever said anything like this to me before. "Thank you, you to"

"Good wow or bad wow?" he asked. 

"Good wow, very good wow" I replied looking into his eyes. They were locked his hand was on my cheek and neck. The other was on my waist. I looked at his lips then back at his eyes. He lent in and kissed me. His lips were smooth and soft against mine Leaving sparks on my lips when he pulled away slightly. I lent in. my body against his as I placed my hands on the back of his neck. Pulling him in for another kiss, this time more passionate he kissed me back and so on it continued until somehow I was straddling his legs his back to the back on the couch. I was kissing his neck leaving bright red lip stick mars as I went. He breathing was heavy and fast. 

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