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All day long I just sit there waiting for a person to finally take me out out of this nightmare I called my life.i'am sixteen years old i been waiting for a some one to take me to their home i didn't care who it was as long as the person wasn't mean.I watch people go by looking at the other slaves including me.They just stare at me with this weird look on their face i put on a shy smile on my face but they just walk by and mutter something under their breath.I felt like i would never get out of this place some other slaves just cry all day i felt sorry for them because if they dont stop crying for so long they would get beaten sometimes to death.Sometimes they dont feed us at all or if they do they dont feed us enough so basically we starve for the whole day.When it was"selling time" as they call it we all have to pretend to be happy some slaves get sold while new old come and take their place.For me people just look at me or walk pass me and pretend im not even their,its embarrassing kind of but you will get use to it after awhile.

The next day it happen again and again until this women came up to me and said "hello what your name" she said it kindly and sweet i was shock know one never talk to me besides the people who force me to say something.I smile hoping that today will be the day i get sold finally i might get my hopes but i didn't care "my name is Sally" i said quietly i blushes a bit.The women said "oh that is a pretty name my name is Ava for you ".I smile more i try not to looks desperate but i couldn't help it."Sally i can get you out of here right now" she got something out of purse it..look like a check book oh my god she really going to buy my i cant believe it."Ava are you really going to buy me?" i watch her pull out a pen and wrote something on it "well of course im going to buy you".I was just so shock at those words i never been this happy in all my life "ill be back ok im going to talk to the seller" at this point i cant stop smiling i was just so happy.

When she came back she had a key in her hand i was so desperate to get out of here after she unlock my cage i ran out and hug her."Ava,thank you for getting me out" i hug her tight and didn't want to let go she hug me to but she didn't seem to mind at all that i was dirty at all.Before i knew it a tear fell down my face i pull back i felt embarrass a bit "oh sorry i shouldn't of give you a hug out of nowhere" she look at me and smile "oh no its fine no problem at all". i couldn't stop staring at her she seem to be my age and was so pretty her eyes was a clear brown color its like looking up at the sky,she was staring at me as well i wonder why she would look at me my face was dirty and i had dark circle around my eyes.I broke the stare but i didn't want to i just wanted to look at her eyes all day "oh sorry i was daydreaming about something i didn't mean to stare at you like that" she smiled at me "its fine sally now come on im going to take you to your new home its kind of a long drive about an hour from where i live at".We walk out of the building to the parking lot there was very few cars out i haven't seen the sun in forever so my eyes hurt a little bit we come up to this car it was black and shiny it was pretty.

Ava got in the car and started the car i got in the back seat i put on my seat belt and shut the door,Ava started to drive we stayed silent for a while.I just look out the window and pretend i wasn't here in this world wished i happy and free wished for things that i couldn't have,"Sally are you ok?" she look at me in rear-view i just notice that i was crying..again dang it im just so sensitive sometimes. i looked at her nervously " fine" i wipe my tears away fast "i hope you are" she continued to drive but she seem to be worried about me.We drove for at least thirty more minutes, i got sleepy after awhile and went into a deep sleep and dream something strange we have to kill her as soon as possible she is dangerous a woman was running after me i ran as fast as i could but then i trip and fell and she killed me with her gun .I woke up and was scared i was safe i was still in the car i was grateful for that."you look like you was sleeping peacefully Sally" yeah sure i did i though sarcastically "yeah i guess i did" Ava made a turn to a house it was big and luxury it even had a little pond in front of the entrance it was cute "Sally welcome to your new home" she smiled at me in a weird way i wonder if this is going to be a good or bad thing,something doesn't feel right at all i can feel it.

(i no its a short chapter and my first book kind of anyways i no their are spelling errors and grammar is wrong and stuff but i did the best i could just wait till chapter 2 enjoy and have a nice day or night)

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