Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry." I say honestly but it's not the reason he is thinking. I'm apologizing because I feel sorry for any poor bastard dating her. I pat his arm and I wish I never did. Sparks shoot threw my arm. I gasp and look into his eyes. My wolf is growling. Mate! My mate! My mate! She goes on and on. Oh hell no! I don't want a mate. Not now. I just turned seventeen. I got Ky to think about. Son of a bitch.

"Fuck!" we say at the same time. I quickly let go. Damn it! Shit! Fuck! I keep cussing in my head. Then it hit me what he said.

"Did you say she's your girlfriend?" I ask. He nods slowly. Fuck sex god is fucking her. I scrunch up my nose. Ew. That's just wrong. She's fucking Caleb. Shit Caleb. I turn quickly. Stomp up to Caleb, grab him by his ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" he whines. I pull him into to back. "What's that for?" he asked.

"Bethany has a boy friend. Your dumping her sorry ass tonight!" I yell.

"No she doesn't." he says. I glare at him.

"She damn sure does! I just freaking met him!" I yell.

"I can tolerate you guys being man whores but I do not tolerate cheating. Your dumping that whore tonight. No fighting. Just kick her to the fucking curb! Got it?" I says.

"Shit! Ari! I didn't know." he says.

"I know." I say walking back out.

"I'm sorry Ari." he says. I shake my head no. He doesn't need to apologize to me. He just needs to dump her ass.

When we get back to the bar. He spots her.

"No fighting Caleb" I say. He nods walking up to her. Good thing I'm alpha. I can hear about a mile away.

"So you got a boyfriend?" he asked her.

"Ho.. How did you know?" she stutters.

"Birdie." he says simply. I can't believe I did that. I should have let her get busted. Well she kinda is. I don't know if he can hear them or not but I know he knows she's here. He's got too.

"Good thing you were only a fuck buddy. We are done." he says cold walking away. Leaving her dumb founded. Bitch. He comes to stand with me behind the the bar. He knows there is fixing to be trouble.

"Don't you walk away from me! We're not done! We're done when I say we're done!" she yells. Why isn't sex god saying something? He is listening to this. He has to be. Hell the whole bar is listening now. She gets to the front of the bar. I step up.

"Just put your big girl panties on an deal. It's over!" I state.

"You...." She starts but I cut her off.

"Look whore!" sex god growls at me for calling her a whore. Huh! Who would have thunk it? She's cheating on him and I get growled at. "You can either deal with it or you can leave but if you stay and keep causing a scene. I won't hesitate to rip your head off and kick you out of here for good." I state calmly.

"You can't kick me out of here. You have no say so." she says with a smirk.

"You think?" I ask.

"Oh I know." she says. "I bring to much business in here." she says. Oh yeah keep digging yourself a bigger hole.

"Your johns or latest fuck buddies don't count as business." I say. "What would your boyfriend think if he found out your cheating on him?" I ask.

"He won't care." she says. "He loves me." she says smirking. When she said that apart of me died. I think it's true he isn't saying anything.

"Well congrats! Leave! Or keep your mouth shut! Your pissing me off." I say walking off.

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