Chapter 19

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We've been here for about two weeks and I can't do it anymore. I feel like I'm dying literally. I can't eat, sleep, think, breath anything. My chest feels like it's caving in and my heart is slowly ripping out. I know the biggest part of it is because of ass. The other part I'm missing my pack, my family, my friends. It's time to go home. I never thought it would impact me this way. I literally look like death. I'm pale, loosing weight I look bad.

"Your going home." Jace states bringing me out of my thoughts. I nod. See he knows me to well.

"Yeah it's time." I tell him.

"I honestly didn't think you'd make it this long." he says.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask offended.

"Has anybody told can't stay away from your pack once your an alpha or your....mate." he whispers the last part.

"No I didn't know that about my pack but I kinda guessed about my ass of an mate."

"Yep. Once your bonded with your pack and you leave it's like...well I'm really don't know what it's like. I've never done it more than a few days."

"Why didn't it happen when I went to Vegas?"

"You had some of your pack with you." I nod in understanding.

"How does it feel?"

"It feels like I left a part of me with them. It hurts." he nods.

"What about...well with your mate?" I scoff.

"It feels like I left my heart with him. Jason I can barely function. I can't breath, sleep nothing. I freaking hate it! Will it always be this way?"

"Yeah until one of y'all breaks the mate bond." I give him a confused look.

"Y'all are true soulmates, made for each other. Your not fully mated yet, you can take another mate to break the mate bond its not as strong as it is with your true soulmate but once your fully mated nothing can break it. Get it?"

"Yeah I think so. We are mates just not fully bonded mates. We can screw whoever, then bite them making our mate breaking the mate bond we have with each other."

"Yes that sums it up."

"Great. I'll just tell him to mate with her sooner so he can break our bond. Easy shouldn't be a problem." he nods in agreement. We talk a while longer after that I decide its time to pack and leave.

We got home later that night after uncle picked us up. We went straight home. I instantly started to feel better the closer I got to them the better I felt. Still not a hundred precent better but a whole lot better than I did. I didn't tell Tay and them I was home I'll wait till the morning.

I got up and text Tay and told him to come over an hour later I step outside and was welcomed by the whole pack. Uh oh! I don't think this is going to be a good welcoming. I stood there waiting for a butt chewing but I got nothing but hugs and welcome backs. Then my butt chewed. After all the yelling and crap was over we decided to make a big dinner as a welcome home. Some left to the store, some were outside, some were where ever. As I was relaxing watching tv my wolf started to stir a little, then there was a knock on the door I went to answer it. I opened the door and grabbed his shirt instantly not meaning too. But I needed something to hold on to. He pulled me into a hug I just let him. I felt like I was going pass out. I was like I was being mended all at once. Everything was slowly going back to normal.

After I was feeling better. I looked up him as he stared down at me.

"Don't ever leave me again!" he growls.

"Do me a favor." I say ignoring him.

"I'll do anything for you."

"Mate her."

"I can't do that." he whispers.


"I'll do anything but that. It's not the right time."

"Please put me out of my misery."

"I can't right now." I pushed him away from me closing the door staring at him.

"You selfish, sadistic son of a bitch! You really get off seeing me in pain! I can't function right without you close to me! And I don't want you close to me! Just mate with the whore! And let me go!" I yell.

"So you know?"

"Yes, I know! Now let me go! Quit torchering me. I seems I can't be away from you for more than a week! I can't eat! I can't sleep! I fucking can't function! Please you asshole mate her already!"

"I can't." he says and walks away getting in his car driving away as I stare at him dumbfounded.

He says he can't mate her. Why the hell not? Gawd could he get anymore sadistic. Apparently so. I go back inside slamming the door. Stupid asshole! Oh how I hate him. I can't believe him. Why is he doing this?

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