Brian x Tim

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"Hey baby I'm up late cause I can't sleep. I thought I'd just tell how much you mean to me. In the few days we've dated you have made me feel more special than any other boy ever has. You are the sunshine to my day and there's no one I'd rather call mine. Your sweet funny and straight forward. And you honest to everything are the most immaculate looking boy I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on. Every time I see you my jaw drops. And those side burns. Boy. And even though we have only dated for a few days somewhere in me I know your the one. I hope one day to make you my King and have a future. I know we have a long road ahead of us but if you stick with me through the ups and downs I promise it will be worth it. I hope this brings a smile to your face. I love you baby."
Tim smiled at the text and replied, "Im finna fuck ur brains out"

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