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"Hey, Kurt. How was the weekend?" Mercedes asked with a smirk.

"What happened at the weekend?" Rachel tilted her head.

"Blaine Anderson stayed at Kurt's house." Mercedes winked at her best friend.

"Ooh! What did you get up to, Kurtsie? Anything..." Rachel paused, "Naughty?"

"Eww no!" Kurt covered his ears, "Rachel, you're disgusting."

"I just wanted to know." The brunette pouted.

"Well, if you must know. We isn't do anything 'naughty'." Kurt used air quotes as he rolled his eyes; "But it was the worst weekend in the history of weekends."

"That bad?" Mercedes winced, "What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Kurt paused as he replayed last night's events, "He cane into our house with blood and bruises. You saw him, 'Cedes. And then when I came back up he was still there, talking to my dad in the living room. And th-they were talking about me. Blaine was sa-"

"Why were they talking about you?" Rachel asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not sure but I cou-"

"What did they say about you?" The brunette interrupted him again.

"I've been trying to tell you that." Kurt rolled his eyes, "Blaine was saying stuff like he'll never date again and that 'he' was the only one. It's weird."

"Whose 'he'?"

"I'm not sure, Rachel."

"Just shut up and let him finish, hobbit." Mercedes glared at Rachel.

"And then this morning when I went into the kitchen to have breakfast, Blaine was still there. And I asked him who he really got into a fight with and he told me it was his da- a guy from school." Kurt caught himself and paused, hoping his friends hadn't noticed his slip up, "And then I asked him how I knew him and he got really angry at me and said something like someday I'll remember how much he loved me and then I'll hate him. Or something like that."

"You loved him?" Rachel's mouth fell open.

"I don't know!" Kurt snapped and blushed when a few people at the next table turned to stare at him.

"You don't have to shout. Geez." Rachel folded her arms over her chest.

"Anyway, I'm not too sure what exactly happened over the weekend but I know that it wasn't good." Kurt sighed.

"I could've been good. You're a step closer to finding out how you knew Blaine, right?" Mercedes offered.

"I suppose." Kurt scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Can we just talk about something else now?"

"Looks like you have an admirer." Mercedes gestured for Kurt to turn around.

"Hey." Kurt smiled at the boy stood behind him.

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