2 Weeks Later

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2 weeks later Chandler had moved all of his stuff to Kurt's apartment and they were now living together. As friends...

"Hey, Kurt?" Chandler called, walking into Kurt's room, "Do you know if- woah!" Chandler backed out of the room when he saw a very naked Kurt standing in front if his mirror, "I'm sorry!"

"Chandler, it's okay. I'm just trying to decide what to wear."

"Yeah but-" Chandler sighed, "Okay, which bar are we going to?"

"I know this really good gay bar, it's a bit like- hey, do you remember Scandals?"

"Oh yeah, that gay bar back in Lima?"

"Yeah, that's the one. It's looks a bit like a renovated version of that."

"Ah, cool."


"So, this is it?"

"Yeah." Kurt grinned as he glanced around the bar, "C'mon, let's go get some drinks."

About 2 hours later and many alcoholic drinks Kurt was bored, "Let's go dance!"

"Kurt, I think we should go home. You can barely stand."

Kurt shook his head and stood up quickly.

"No! I'm okay, I'm- I'm-" Just as quickly as he had stood up, Kurt was on the floor and Chandler's eyes widened.

Kurt laughed, "I fell! I fell on the floor." He was laughing hysterically and Chandler was gaping down at him.

Chandler reached a hand out to help Kurt up.

Kurt stared at the fuzzy object in front of his face before realising it was a hand so he took it. He glanced up and realised it was Chandler's hand, so, with a final cheeky grin, Kurt tugged on Chandler's hand until the man fell on top of him.

"Let's go dance!" Kurt grinned, completely oblivious to the way Chandler was looking at him.


"You have to get off me to go dance!" Kurt laughed before stopping and staring at Chandler, "You're pretty stupid."

Chandler laughed slightly before standing up, Kurt following after him, almost falling again twice.

Kurt pretty much skipped towards the middle of the dance floor before realising Chandler was still stood at the table, just staring at him.

Kurt laughed again and skipped back to Chandler, "Come on, stupid, let's go dance."

"That was so great!" Kurt laughed as he and Chandler stumbled out of the bar 2 hours later.

"Yeah, it was pretty great."

"I just- I don't wanna leave, it's so great here and- hey! It's all dark now!" Kurt stared up at the sky, "Hey, Chandler?"


"Why do you think we have stars?"

"Well, they're actually in space, aren't they? So, we can't really choose to have them or not."

"Yeah, but why are they in space?"


"And why is there a moon? And Saturn and Jupiter and-and mars bar- no. It's just Mars. And-and Pluto. And-"

"I don't know, Kurt."  Chandler sighed as he pulled on Kurt's arm in an attempt to walk him to his car.

"And why are we here? I mean, we're this tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, little planet." Kurt squeezed his hands together and attempted to look through them with one eye, "And-and we- the humans- are even smaller than that because we actually fit on this tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, little planet. But, did you know that there's planets that are way bigger and that? We're in the Milky Way- not the chocolate. Wait. There's a mars bar which is chocolate and Milky Way which is also chocolate! That's so funny! What was I talking about?"

"You were saying that we need to go home."

"No I wasn't, stupid! I was saying that we are in the Milky Way which is also tiny compared to other people's Milky Ways and- and we are in galaxies which is bigger but it's still smaller than other galaxies and then we're all in one big, huge, universe but there's probably other universes that are even bigger! We just can't see them. Do you see? We're all so, so, so, so small. And- it's like- like we don't matter. None of us matter. Even if we are, like, presidents or- or famous singers, we still don't matter because were so small! Like, our sun is only a little bigger than red dwarf Suns! I think."


"And it's like- we should all die! Because we don't matter. None of us matter. We're not needed. And- and if all of us just died then we wouldn't have any of the problems that we have and no one would be sad. And- and when scientists look through those big hole, umm, what's it called? Those big- big see-y things. The things that you look through to see the stars."

"A telescope?"

"Yeah! That! So, when scientists look through their giant te- telescopes it doesn't matter. And all the scientists are trying to find out about other, bigger, more important planets but it doesn't matter because we don't matter! And even if we knew about these other planets it still wouldn't matter because they wouldn't want anything to do with us. Because we don't matter. They'd probably kill- hey! I bet they know about us! They probably know we exist because they probably are smarter and already figured out how to use telescopes properly so you can see everything. Oh my god, Chandler!"

"What?" Chandler groaned.

"What if space is just one huge planet? But there's other huger planets! And- oh my god! What if those big black swirly thingys, umm. Black holes! That's it! What if the black holes are the only ways off of this planet but no one wants to go through and test it because it might kill them but if we don't matter then why do people care if they die?"

"Right, why don't we look at the stars from your apartment? We'd be higher up there so you could see it better."

"Oh yeah!" Kurt grinned, "What're you waiting for? Let's go!"

Chandler laughed and followed after Kurt, "Oh no. No way. You're not driving."

"Why not?" Kurt pouted, looking up from the driver's seat.

"You're drunk."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Come on, I can get us to the stars quicker."

Kurt gasped, "Why didn't you say so? Hurry up, hurry up!"

Kurt clambered across to the passenger seat as Chandler climbed into the car.

This conversation was based off a real conversation I had with one of my friends. Well, we weren't drunk and we weren't leaving a gay bar or trying to get to our apartment to see the stars😹 But my friend and I were sat down for lunch and we suddenly started talking about how we don't matter and how we should all just die because none of us matter and if we died then we wouldn't have any of the problems we have now. And in the end we came to the conclusion that space is actually a planet and the only way off it is to go through the black holes.

It sounds stupid, I know. But it also makes sense. Well it does to me anyway.


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