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Blaine sat at the bar, nursing his drink. He was perched on the end of a small stool, watching all of the men dancing around drunkenly. Many had come up to ask him to dance but he had politely turned them down. He wasn't drunk enough yet.

He sighed and turned around, he'd come here to forget but all this had done is remind him.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and prepared to look back and turn down the man wanting to dance with him, only to come face to face with the person he'd wanted to forget.


"Hey." Kurt grinned, hopping up onto the stool beside Blaine.

"I, uh, what're you doing here?" Blaine asked, glancing around the room

Kurt shrugged, "Chandler and I had a fight. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go."

"Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah, he's just being stubborn. He just needs time to cool off."

"Ok." Blaine let out a deep breath as he glanced down at his half empty bottle, "Do you come here often?"

"Oh god no." Kurt laughed, "You can practically smell germs radiating off of this place. Have you even been in the toilets? I mean, I know we have urges but toilets aren't meant for, y'know, that sort of release." He raised an eyebrow as Blaine began laughing, "What?"

"It's just- you're the only person I know who would- I dunno, forget it." Blaine shook his head, a grin still plastered across his face.

Kurt smiled too, licking his lips slightly as he looked down.

"Do you want a drink?" Blaine asked suddenly.

"Oh! Oh my god I forgot my wallet at home." Kurt groaned, "I'm such an idiot."

"I'll buy you one, don't worry. I was offering before anyway."

"Oh, no you don't have to do that."

"It's fine." Blaine smiled.

"Ok, but I'll have to pay you back when I have money again." Kurt pursed his lips.

Blaine nodded before stopping and turning to Kurt, "I know how you can pay me back. Right now."

Kurt tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

After Blaine had ordered his drink, Kurt took a sip before asking, "Are you going to tell me how I can pay you back?"

"Yup, you have to dance with me." Blaine grinned, hopping off the stool and holding out a hand for Kurt.

Kurt glanced around the room before looking down at Blaine, a smirk fixed on his face, "You could've just asked me, y'know? I would've said yes."

And then he got off the stool, grabbed Blaine hand and grinned as the man began leading him to the dance floor.

The song ended just as they reached the middle, a new song coming on to replace it.

The club isn't the best place to find a lover
So the bar is where I go

"Ooh, I love this song!" Kurt grinned at Blaine, immediately jumping up and down and swinging his hips to the rhythm.

Blaine just stood still, mouth agape as he watched this beautiful angel in front of him dance.

Kurt turned to him and rolled his eyes, "Are you going to dance or what? You're the one who asked me, remember?" And then he grabbed Blaine's hands and brought him closer and began moving him around, both of them dancing around stupidly and moving freely within seconds.

"Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead." Kurt sang, grinning at Blaine who raised an eyebrow and nodded.

Smirking, Blaine grabbed Kurt's waist and pulled the man closer until they were pressed flush together.

Kurt exhaled sharply and looked up to meet Blaine's gaze.

Although my heart is falling too,
I'm in love with your body.
And last night you were in my room,
And now my bedsheets smell like you

Blaine grinned at Kurt as they began to dance again, grinding down on one another, heads bumping as they both stared down at where their bodies were touching.

Everyday discovering something brand new,
I'm in love with the shape of you

As the song sped up, Kurt turned around so he could throw his head onto Blaine's shoulder, grinding back against the warm body pressed up behind him.

And leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat,
Tell the driver make the radio play
And I'm singing like

"You know I want your love,
Your love was handmade for somebody like me,
Come on now follow my lead." Blaine whispered seductively into Kurt's ear, grinning when Kurt groaned and turned his head to nudge his nose against Blaine's cheek.

I'm in love with the shape of you,
We push and pull like a magnet do

Kurt's eyes rolled back in his head as Blaine began grinding back against him in time with Kurt's.

Kurt pressed a kiss where his nose was nuzzled into Blaine's cheek before turning around, grabbing Blaine's hand and running off the dance floor.

He pulled Blaine outside and began running towards his car.

When they reached it, Kurt stopped and dropped Blaine's hand to look at him, "Kurt, what're you-"

Kurt leaned forward and pushed Blaine against the side of his car, muffling his words with his mouth.

Blaine moaned and immediately kissed back, bringing his arms up to loop around Kurt's neck, tugging him closer.

Kurt whined and pulled back to unlock his car, open his backseat door and push Blaine inside, climbing on top of him and slamming the door shut behind him.

Kurt looked down at Blaine who was panting heavily and staring up at him with lust-filled eyes.

Chandler briefly crossed his mind and the fact that this would be cheating before Kurt cast that aside and leaned down to connect his and Blaine's lips again in a passionate, heated kiss.

He cupped Blaine's cheeks as he moved his knees to either side of Blaine's legs, smiling into Blaine's mouth when the man moaned as he slipped his tongue into his mouth.

Uhhh, yeah. Ok. That was something. Again, Ik I haven't been posting much but honestly; I just can't find much inspiration for this fic anymore. So I'm sorry if any of you guys are really enjoying this one but I just think it would be better if I end it soon. I obvs won't end it just randomly, I'll actually finish it. It'll just be a lot shorter than I'd planned. Sorry :(

The song used was Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran

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