Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

~Shane's POV~

"Dad? I'm back! Brought Shane with me!" Joey yelled as we walked through the back door of his house. I got an overwhelming sense of warmth as I came into his home. I felt welcomed and safe.

Joeys dad was in the kitchen, standing over to stove cooking. "Hey boys. How was school?"

"It was okay. How was your trip?" Joey asked him, grabbing a bag of cookies from the cupboard.

"Hectic as last time. Called Nicole earlier. She's doing okay. Buying a cat or something" he muttered, smiling.

"Kitty-anya!" Joey said, coming over to me and softly bumping into me.

"Staying for dinner, Shane?" His father asked, looking over at me happily. I felt my cheeks redden, and I struggled to get out any words.

"What are you cooking?" Joey asked, realising my social anxiety taking over. His smiled kept me stable. Otherwise I would be a mess. Shaking, crying. The usual.

"Chicken soup!" He said excitedly.

"Mmmm!" Joey squealed happily. "Shane would love to stay!" He answered for me. I nodded in agreement.

"Perfect. You're always welcome here Shane" he smiled at me. It made me feel loved a little, but also a sense of sadness. Why can't my own dad be like this?

"We're gonna head upstairs to do homework. Call us when dinner is ready!" Joey said happily, grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs.

Once we were in his room, Joey shut the door and tossed the bag of cookies onto his bed idly.

"You really going to eat them?" I questioned him, setting myself down on the ground.

"Course I'm not. You can have one though" he said, sitting right opposite me. "Tell me about Sawyer then?"

"We were friends, we knew each others families" I started, leaning against the bed.

"What changed?"

"My sexuality" I said, a small laugh escaping with it. Joey giggled too. "I told him I was gay and to be honest, he was okay with it at first"

"Then why does he beat you up?"

I didn't answer straight away. Just looked at the ground. I was ashamed of what I did, and didn't want Joey to think any less of me. "I kissed him" I eventually whispered, slowly looking up at him.

"Then it started?" He looked sympathetically at me. I nodded in response. He reached over and took my hand in his, making his thumb trace little circles on my palm. I sighed gently. I wouldn't make the same mistake and lose Joey.

"Why did you want to forget this weekend even happened?" He asked sadly. I hoped we wouldn't come to this.

"It's just. I don't want to lose you" I eventually got out. I looked at Joey. His green eyes looked helplessly at me. Gosh. Everything about him made me want him so badly.

"What makes you say that?"

"Sawyer used to be like this to. Flirty, and leading me on. Then I kissed him, and he hated me. Joey, I just don't want you out of my life, and I'm so scared the same thing will happen" I said sounding pathetic as always. I rubbed my eyes, forbidding my tears from escaping. "I'm sorry" I whispered, not looking at him.

His fingers untangled from my own as he sighed. This was it. I've lost him. My only friend in the world, I'd lost. I'm such an idiot. The need to cut was seeping over my mind. I just had to. To stop the numbness of my body right now.

"Shane?" Joeys little voice chirped after a few minutes of silence. Looking up at him, I noticed the sadness hidden in his eyes.

I didn't have that long to register what happened next. As our eyes locked, I felt my body melt. The effects this boy had on me were intense. He smiled sweetly, making my own little grin appear. His hand slipped up and behind the back of my neck. My stomach filled with butterflies as Joey leaned forward and pulled my face to his, resulting in our first kiss.

The feeling of Joey's lips against mine blew my mind. They were soft and plump. Just like I'd imagined. I gasped at the touch, and the movement of Joey's lips, making my own move in sync. I felt him smile against me.

I couldn't resist letting my hands slide around his waist and up his back, pulling him closer to me. Joeys free hand rested on my thigh. I smiled against him for a moment before he pulled back. As we looked at each other, Joey giggled quietly looking in my eyes. I love him.

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