My Q and A (not a new chapter, sadly :( )

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Hello! To celebrate both passing 50 followers and 500 reads on this book, I decided to do a Q and A! You, lovely readers, sent me some questions, and here are your answers! I had a lot of fun doing this, and I hope you'll enjoy it even if it's not another chapter. 

Were your characters inspired by someone?

I guess in a way all my characters have someone in real life I base them off of, and some are based off multiple people sort of combined into one person. Some characters are even inspired by other fictional characters, though those are also combined with someone I actually know, usually. 

Were you inspired to write by someone?

I think that throughout my life I've had a lot of amazing people who helped inspire my to write, both directly and indirectly. I never remember not writing. For example, in second grade my friend and I wrote and illustrated a "book", about a mermaid princess who lost her favorite dress. Great plot, I know. XD. But my teacher was really supportive, she printed copies which were then laminated and bound and placed in the class library. I think that same person and I "co-authored" about 3 or so books which she put in the class, one she even read during read aloud. 

My friends now are also a great source of inspiration and support, both on and off of Wattpad. I have some amazingly supportive and awesome Wattpad friends who inspire me to write, and some wonderful friends off the internet who read my work and give advice. 

Were your characters really thought of? Like, their names mean something related to them?

Most of my characters have names relating to their personalities. For example, Raidah is an African name meaning "leader." The name Kallan means "powerful in battle."  Owen is a Welsh name which means "young warrior". The name Taya doesn't really have any significant meaning, I just choose it because I like the name. I made some have uncommon names and some have common human names because I think it kind of shows how they blend both traditional Primum culture with human culture. The names are mostly all real names though, even if you've never heard them before. I rely on on this one. :)

What other projects are you working on?

Well, I have a teen fiction story in progress that I'm not sure if I'll ever post or not. Another one I started around the same time I started Recovering Our Own, told through messages sent between two people. It's my first dialogue only (I guess you could call it dialogue) and I'm excited once I finally post it, probably once ROO is finished or almost finished. I have a science fiction novel in progress that is so fun to write, but that likely will not be one here for a long time. My main focus right now is getting ROO written and then I'll start more on my side projects. I like to stay about two or three chapters ahead of what I have posted in this story. 

If you have any more questions leave in comments and I'll add them! Thanks to everyone who sent me questions. 

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