|Chapter 1|

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She looked from the window at the faraway forest longingly

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She looked from the window at the faraway forest longingly. The days were turning colder and colder and wispy mist was kissing the canopy like a lover returned home. She watched as the mist glided and swirled until it reached the floor of the forest. Seeping in through the glass, the cold tenderly stole the colour from her cheeks.

The time of day, twilight continued to capture her attention and at leisure the time ticked away. She totally forgot that she had to prepare dinner that night. Fortunately, the rest of the house was n complete disorder. Alpha Gideon Andrew was coming to choose a mate. Each and every single member of their small pack was busy looking their best possible. Gia on the other hand was happy to receive this escape from the daily mundane chores.

So sure was she that this so-called Alpha Andrew wouldn't spare her a second glance, Gia didn't even bother to dress up. From what she knew about Alphas, they picked girls who possessed unmatched beauty, confidence and well, obviously she had to be a brilliant speaker.

Suddenly, a howl shot through the silence. Her eyes followed the sound and connected it takes a pack of wolves treading in the forest. There were four altogether. All of them were significantly larger than her pack members' wolves and she knew they had arrived.

One wolf abruptly stopped, sniffed the air and catching her off guard set his eyes on her. Quickly, Gia stepped away from the window and hoped that she hadn't given them a reason to remember her downstairs. She did not want to stand out for any reason to these strangers who appeared incredibly powerful. If they weren't then her pack members would be relaxing downstairs and not running around like headless chooks.

An icy hand of fear closed around her heart as she walked downstairs.


The lead girl in this story is going to be mute, so how do you guys think Gideon and Gia will communicate?

P.S There's no 'mind-linking' in this story ;)

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