|Chapter 2|

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"That's the pack house, right over there." Sam told Gideon. They had entered the first pack territory on their list.

"Sam, I want this to be as short as possible. If I see something I like, it's your job to get her."

Sam nodded.

"How big is this pack?" Gideon inquired, boredom reeking from his voice.

"Not sure but they live in a four bedroom house. So the numbers are less. This one will be brief," said Sam.

Ambling at ease, all four of them arrived at the small compound of the pack. The first stars of the night had dotted the darkening sky and the crickets were playing their unsynchronized song.

Sam pressed the doorbell. At once the door opened to reveal a man with glowing blue eyes. A Beta.

"Alpha Andrew," Ned acknowledged Gideon. "Our Alpha is unwell. I will be showing you around. Come in, please."

Gideon and Sam entered while Ned stepped aside, holding the door. The other two wolves waited outside.

The house inside was ordinary and well-kept. Nothing extravagant or over-priced but sensible things decorated the interior. A warm smell of coffee wafted in the air.

Ned led the two in the lounge room.

"Some hot coffee, Alpha Andrew?" Ned offered as Gideon and Sam settled down. On cue, a lady appeared with two steaming mugs of coffee and a shy smile.

Gideon cocked a brow at Sam. Sam understood immediately.

"Actually, no thanks. We have a tight schedule and the sooner we see the girls the easier our work will get," Sam announced.

"Sure. Vivienne please call them," Ned told the lady. She left immediately, taking the drinks with her.

Fed up already, Gideon glared at a random place. Sam got out his phone and began punching away at the keypad. A few minutes passed when Gideon heard footsteps. Altogether four of them.

He looked up and saw the lady, Vivienne, followed by two other girls caked with makeup and the last one with extraordinary blue eyes.         

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