st.peters academy for the young and talented (n)

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The next day, after breakfast, Alex drove me to school: St.Peters Academy for the young and talented.

Don't go judging already, I am not some kind of prodigy or anything like that. I only got the privilege of going to that school because I wrote a really good essay once. I was stressing really bad about not being as smart or talented as the other students.

"Ok, I won't be in the same classes as you but I swear I'll be with you in every break." He hugged me but my tense posture made the thing a bit awkward.

"Don't worry about what the students say. You're new here, they can be really assholes sometimes, do not listen to them. You know who you are, all you can say is that you're my cousin. Nova Domini or if you prefer Nova Bates."

" Nova Bates so you can protect me?" I whine sounding like a little girl but I was really looking for a comforting answer.

"I'll always protect you, little one." Alex smiled and then the bell rang and we went different ways.

I entered my creative writing class feeling like a total outsider. And that was supposed to be my favorite class. I sat in one of the chairs that were closer to the board since all the other ones were already taken and waited for the class to start.

The teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Lawrence and started calling all the students. They had to get up and give their names and ages out loud. Ana, Lillian, Morgan and lots of other girls until it finally came to me.

I got up and then suddenly the whole class was looking at me. Oh god why? I hate being the new girl.

The classes reaction was unexpected to me though, I had been in others schools in my life and I never had so much attention directed to me, why were they all staring? What should I say? Oh right, my name and age.

"I'm Novalee Domini. But I go by Nova." I said opting for my dad's name. " I'm 16."

I wasn't comfortable with the whole class staring at me the way they were and I began to feel suffocated. Damn it, anxiety.

Gladly the door opens and a boy walked in dragging the class's attention somewhere else other than myself.

His hair looked like snow and his eyes were a piercing dark green. He was closing the door when he noticed me standing ,he hesitated before giving another step.

And after a few seconds frozen he turned around and left.

"Mr.Levi where do you think you're going?" Mrs. Lawrence said.

I kept looking at the door as the boy came back in looking down. He stood by the door looking for a table. The only one left was beside me.

"Mr.Levi take a seat please." He looked at Mrs. Lawrence and then only for half a second I swear he looked directly at me.

One of the boys sitting at the back of the room laughed. "This is so messed up."He said looking at me then at the guy who just occupied the seat at my left.

Why? I thought to myself.

Did I knew this guy? All I know is that he sure knows how to make an impression, my sweaty hands were proof. I sat down on my seat trying to avoid all the attention.

"We're not done yet Ms.Domini." Mrs. Lawrence looked at me. My legs were shaking when I got up again. "You're the only new student in this class. The students who want to ask you something, now is the opportunity." She kindly smiled at the class.

For a moment the class stood quiet, then a girl named Zoë raised her hand.

"Are you related to Alex Bates?" She asked.

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