overpopulation (n)

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"Who am I?" I hear coming from the person who has both hands covering my eyes in the middle of the hallway between classes. I laugh.

"Omg, it's Tom Cruise!! I know it's you Tom!!!" I say and take the hands off my face, looking at Thomas's exaggerated smile. " Ugh, it's just you." I joke and he laughs.

"What do you mean it's just me? I'm so much better than Tom Cruise! I'm like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber and the whole McFly band members had a baby, and that's me." he points at himself ironically.

"Well, that explains the deformed face." I say, and he pretends to be offended.

" Honey, do you think ordinary High School boys wake up as flawless as me? No." he talks like a stereotypical gay man.

" Darling, this school only has place for one flawless boss ass bitch in here, and that's me." I answer, getting closer to him and acting like those stereotypical Latinas in those competitive cheerleading movies. He pouches his lips and steps forward.

"Oh, it's on." he says.

"You can bet your giant ass it is." I reply. He turns around pretending to throw his hair in my face (even though he doesn't have hair enough to whip it) and leaves as if he were a model walking down the runway. I laugh.
What kind of conversation was that?
That was like, a dream conversation.
That was like the definition of #FriendshipGoals... Or is it #RelationshipGoals?

Anyway, Weekly Diary Update: I think I'm falling for a flawless, gay, Latina cheerleader who has about 8 dads.

Don't judge me, I have daddy issues.

● ● ● ●

After school Thomas runs to catch up with me before I meet with Alex, waiting for me in the car.

"Hey, Nova!" he shouts, and I stop walking to talk to him.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, listen, sorry about this afternoon... I was mad at some stupid jerk who didn't call me back last night. Boys are dicks." he says. I nod yes.

"Hey, girl, don't worry. I totally get you. I've been talking to this one guy and he's like, ugh, I can't even." I tell him.

He laughs, this time as himself other than a character.

" So, Umm, anyway, I had a great time last night." he says. He reaches his arm to the back of his neck, scratching it, feeling a bit uncomfortable. As he raises his arm to reach his neck his shirt raises a little bit, showing parts of his defined abdomen.

" Yeah.. I had a great time too." I say, looking away from his stomach. It's just not worth getting caught looking at it, as much as I want.

"So I was wondering if..."

"Do you wanna go out with me?" I ask, interrupting him. He laughs.

"You are asking me out?" he asks, laughing again.

"Oh yeah, in Brazil it's super common." I lie "And plus, it's good to see how you react with strong women."

"I would love to. As long as I can pay." he says.

"Humm, we can split the bill." I say, and he smiles. I wave goodbye and go meet Alex in his car.

"What's up?" he says.

"Hey." I say, trying not to smile as hard as I am, but not managing to hold it back.

"What's with the Joker smile?" he asks.

"Why so serious?" I ask and he laughs.

"Are you gonna tell me why you're so happy?"


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