Chapter 8

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Dani's POV
As soon as we got home I collapsed onto the couch, all I want to do is sleep. Christina came in and went straight to the kitchen to talk to mum, I know that we should get the results of the tests back tomorrow but at the moment I really couldn't care any less.

Christina called goodbye as she shut the door before mum came up from behind,
"Hi sweetie, do you want any dinner?"
"No thanks" I replied almost unable to open my eyes.
"Okay" she said before she left.
I could barely keep myself awake when I decided that it would be a good idea to nap here rather then fight my way upstairs. I rolled over onto my eyes and shut my eyes.

**time skip**

Lauren's POV
As I walked into the living room I noticed Dani on the couch asleep. It was about 11 PM so there was no point in waking her up now, so I decided to let her sleep. As I got closer I saw how sick she really looked, it did worry me, and also how cold she looked. I went over to the chair the other side of the room and grabbed the blanket that was folded up on it. I then opened it and laid it over Dani, I crouched down beside her
"My poor spice" I whispered
"You need to get better soon" before getting up and going up to bed. Tomorrow was a new day maybe she would be feeling better.

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