Chapter 11

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Christina's POV


I got a glass of water and brang it up to Dani. luckily we didn't have to rush to the doctors for the appointment as I got here relatively early, so I let her rest for a while on her bed. Gosh today has got off to a great start and its not  even mid day yet! I went back down stairs. I would never admit this to Dani as I don't want to make her anymore nervous but I am so nervous for this appointment, like I don't want to be the only other one in the room with her. then it hit me. LISA! she's at home today, maybe she will come too.

I went over to where I dropped my bag and pulled out my phone before calling Lisa.

"hey Lise"

"hey, you okay?" she replied

"yeah I was just wondering if you would mind coming to Dani's doctors appointment?"

there was a slight pause in the convocation.

"no yeah sure, but why? I thought you said you were fine with going" she seemed confused.

"I'm just worried and don't want to go alone, like she's our baby sister and I just want everything to be okay for her" I stopped before I could cry.

"its going to be okay Chrissy, but yeah I will come"

"she also seems so weak today. when I came in she had past out upstairs and she's finding it hard to walk around at the moment, I'm so worried!"

"poor Dani! I will just get ready and then drive to mum and dads"

"okay, thank you Lisa" I was so grateful

"it okay, alright I will see you in about 20 minutes"

"okay bye"
"bye" I ended the call.

I went back upstairs to check on Dani. When I got up there I knocked on her white bedroom door.

"hey Dan can you be ready in about 20 minutes?"

"yeah sure" she replied turning to face me.

"Do you want help with anything?" I asked,

"umm... actually could u just pass me my black jeans from in my closet, that top in the corner and that hoodie hanging on the door?"

"yeah" I replied going and collecting the things from around her room before handing them to her.

Lisa's POV


"hello!" I called as I entered my parents house,

"just a second" Christina's voice replied from somewhere upstairs, I presume Dani's rom. I went into the living area where I found Christina's bag on its side on the couch and all her stuff around it. I started to put it all back in. God Christina has so much rubbish in her bag, like its not even funny!

just as I finished I heard Christina talking to Dani, while helping her down the stairs.

"hey" I said smiling as I walked towards them,

"oh hey Lisa" Dani replied

"wait why are u here?" Dani asked,

"oh I coming with you to your appointment."

"I thought Christina was taking me?" she tilted her head looking at Christina.

"oh uh, um" Christina stuttered,

"i just got bored at home and thought i'd come along" I covered up.

"oh ok" she said walking over to the couch.

"nice cover up" Christina whispered,

"thanks" I replied.

**Time Skip**

Ones we got to the doctors me and Dani went to sit down in the waiting area while Christina signed her in. hardly anyone was here so it wasn't like we had to fight for a seat, infact there was only us, an old man and a women with a crying baby. Christina then came and sat next to me on the other side. After the women stopped her baby from crying the room fell to a silence again. the only sound you could hear was Christina's nails tapping against her phone as she typed.

"Miss Danielle Cimorelli" the doctor said poking his head around the door.

here we go.

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