The Phantom's start

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This is my first ever anything, but especially fanfic! No haters! Sorry if it sucks, but I'll take any feedback! Especially typos! I hate those! If you see one, let me know, 'Kay? Hope you enjoy!

Gajeel's POV
"What's your name, child?"
I looked up at the smooth voice coming from the doorway.

"Gajeel" I replied, trying not to sound scared. I'd been wandering around for weeks, trying to find my dad, after he disappeared. No one had seen him, in fact most people laughed when I asked if they'd seen a dragon, as if what my question was so unreasonable.

"And why are you here?" I couldn't see the man's face with the light coming from behind him.

"I don't have a home. I heard that I could find some work here so I can eat." I didn't want to tell him everything. I was so tired of being laughed at. I'm not stupid, like everyone thinks.

"I see. What makes you think a child like you can handle the jobs we do here? Only mages with the highest strength can join us here..."

"I AM STRONG!" I yelled, clenching my fists in anger. "Just because I'm small, doesn't mean I'm weak. I'm the son of a dragon! I've been taking care of myself for weeks! Forget you, I don't need your stupid guild!" I turned around and started to storm off. I refuse to cry in front of people. Dad used to laugh when I cried.

The man laughed, making me even more angry. I whirled around, sucking in a breath to propel my magic at him. "Iron dragon roar!" I shouted, blasting shards of metal in a funnel straight for the man. He stopped laughing and jumped out of the way of my attack. It wasn't as strong as Dad's, but he's a full grown dragon! Even so, I put a few holes in the wall next to where the man had been standing.

"Well now, I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot, Gajeel, son of a dragon. Please, won't you come inside? We'll talk about the rules for any wizard joining Phantom Lord." He had a smile on his face. It wasn't a nice smile, but I was honestly tired of being alone. He seemed to respect my magic, at least.
I walked into the building, holding my head up high and proud like Dad taught me. If I act like I'm confident long enough, maybe I'll start actually being confident? I fixed my meanest glare on my face as I looked around the room I walked into. There were several men looking at me curiously, having heard the exchange between myself and the man in the door.
I sat and talked to the man who had brought me in. His name was Jose, and he was in fact the guild master. I got stamped on my shoulder, ignoring the sting. I've had worse injuries from falling off Dad's back before. I guess I'm a guild wizard now.

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