The recovery is always difficult.

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Julian ducked, and a plate smashed above his head. Whoops, this one was feisty. Pissed off, too. She was screaming, angry as hell for what he'd done to her the night before. If she was looking for a long term relationship she stupidly have been willing to get kinky on the first night. Jesus Christ, these girls are so stupid. They never learn their lessons. Julian laughed at his thoughts, annoying her further, as he ran out of the house. He continued to laugh as he ran down the street to the bus stop.

Noel had just left the walk-in centre at the doctor's. He knew when a cut was more than he could handle. He now had ten stitches in his arm, which he knew he'd probably remove by himself in a couple of days out of impulse. His arm was pleasantly numb, feeling like it had pins and needles and fallen off simultaneously. He got on the bus and sat in one of the last two seats, relieved to be alone. Two stops later, however, someone sat next to him. He stank of alcohol, and older looking guy with a smile on his drunken face. Noel looked up at him and the man looked back.
"You do realise you have blood on your face, right?" he asked lazily.
"Shit!" Noel exclaimed, his heart skipping a few beats. Fuck, how many people had seen it? Why hadn't anyone told him? He used his phone camera as a mirror and rubbed it off with his spit. The older man continued to look at him.
"I'm Julian, by the way."
"I'm Noel."
"You been cutting yourself, Noel?"
"What the fuck? Why would you say that?"
"Because I have a sneaking feeling I'm right, don't you think?"
Noel sighed. "I guess."
"Me too, little man, me too."
"You cut yourself?" Noel asked incredulously.
"Not with blades. There's many ways to do so. Last night I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, drank maybe twenty three crates of wine, and slept with a girl who was completely mental. Typical."
Noel looked at him, considering the facts. This man was older, possibly dangerous, and drink still. On the other hand, he was also knowledgeable about what Noel was going though, and rather (incredibly) attractive.
"How old are you?" Noel asked curiously.
"Forty two. And you, young one?"
"I see. Young."
"What are you doing today?"
"Not a lot. Going home for a shower and then staying in to recover, probably. Why?"
"Can I come with you?"
Julian looked down at the boy with a curious smile. What an oddly trusting kid. "If you want. Won't anyone be expecting you?"
"Doubt it."

How to Self Harm (A Noelian)Where stories live. Discover now