It gets really repetitive and you'll notice patterns everywhere.

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Noel was on the way back from A&E. Staples, this time, as well as twelve stitches in other cuts. He'd hit an artery.
He felt weak, fragile, and a little bit scared still. He had the power in his hands to cut to his artery. With a tiny blade. He was literally a danger to himself; he could kill himself with a slip up. He rested his head on the window, trying not to fall asleep or throw up. Both were looking more and more welcoming with every passing moment.
Some one sat next to him. "You've got blood in your hair this time, little man."
Noel looked over at Julian with wide eyes. Julian looked messy, like he'd been to hell and back. Noel felt his vision blur,and realised it was because he was starting to cry. Julian pulled him on for a hug and they stayed cuddled up until Julian's stop.
"I cut my artery," Noel blurted. Julian paused, shocked.
"Come on, then. You're coming with me."
Julian took Noel's hand and pulled him off the bus, ignoring the glare of some old bat as she saw them. Off the bus he pulled Noel onto his back, making Noel smile. "Julian, where are we going? The flat's that way."
"Yeah, and the shops are down here. I'm getting you some iron supplements and food, and then we'll go back."
Undoubtedly, Julian couldn't help but think as he bought the items to fix Noel up with the boy almost asleep on his back, one of Julian's favourite things about Noel was his clothes. Even in a time of crisis, when he'd had to go fix himself up after cutting an artery, and he hadn't had time to wash, Noel was wearing skinny jeans and brightly coloured boots, matched with an equally striking shirt. Noel didn't have a low-key item of clothing in his closet. Julian loved it. He felt strong with Noel on his back, not like he'd been smoking seventy a day since he was about sixteen. He didn't feel like the alcohol filled mess, sex addicted, broken down man he normally was. Noel made him feel better about everything, and it really wasn't fair that Noel had that responsibility. Noel was nuzzling against his neck as Julian carried him to the flat, clearly enjoying the attention. One hand held the shopping bag, the other clung tightly to Julian, Noel getting as close as possible. Julian smiled as he walked through the bright day, the light for once not being an assault on his eyes. This was the most wonderful form of self harm possible.

How to Self Harm (A Noelian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora