It never ends.

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Noel was headed back from A&E. His head rested against the car window, and a hand gripped his. The music, playing quietly, was making him want to drop off. It was three in the morning.
"It's okay," Julian finally said, breaking the silence. "Relapse is okay. Just... don't give up, will you?"
"I'm sorry," Noel said. He'd been crying on and off since Julian had found him in the bathroom of their flat, two years since his last cut, three since they'd met. Now he was tearing up again.
"It's okay, I told you."
Noel shook his head. "My parents don't like you."
"I noticed."
"I hate it."
"Me too. But I'm not going to stop loving you just because your parents don't approve..."
"I know. It's just hard."
"They'll realise sooner or later, Noel. Either we break up - God forbid - or they learn to live with it. Those are the only options."
"At least Mike likes you."
"Yeah, that's a start. And your friends don't...hate me."
"Dave thinks you're great."
Noel was happy with the distraction. Discuss anything, his mind pleaded. Say anything except something about his new stitches. "I'm sorry," he said again.
"Don't worry about it," Julian said. "At least next time I know that it's two years, or maybe longer. And we'll be prepared. We both knew this would happen eventually. It doesn't matter though. I love you enough so that you can wallow in your own self pitt for a while guilt-free."
"Fuck off," Noel smiled. "Self pity is for jerk-offs like you."
"That's the spirit, little man."

How to Self Harm (A Noelian)Where stories live. Discover now