The second letter

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7th May 1996,
Cape Cod

My love Melissa,
How are you? Do you miss me as much as I do? Truth is : I miss you in every second of my life, I miss you with every breath I take and I miss you with every word I am writing. I am here. I'm in Cape Cod, in your favourite city. But my heart aches when I see the willow tree which emblematised our love. As I sit here in our favourite coffee shop with a willow leaf in one hand and your pen in one, I write to you my heartfelt feelings. But here I wonder will I ever get a reply?

Today, I feel extremely sad as the ocean is singing to me the unfinished songs of  our dilettante love. Why are you not here? With so many smiles you brought to my face, I never knew you were capable of bringing so many tears.

As I try to recall your picture, I let my unshed tears speak of their misery. I'm riveted Melissa; riveted by the chains of the vindictive time, who does not let me be forgotten by the winds of the hustling swarm of people. It does not let me be secure in the ocean of your memories. I fight everyday through my despair of a life.

Come back. Please.


A even sharper blow, she could not stop the leaking tears. How funny it is? She thought.

The most beautiful things bring the ugliest of pains.
The most happiest moments brim the waters of our own self rotting sadness.

Denise knew she shouldn't read further because if she does, her world will once again come crashing down.

But she couldn't stop herself.


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One more chapter to go.

Love Washed Ashore (A Short Story) (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora