Waking up

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Aaron's P.O.V
"Knock, knock."
Aa~ Coming!
" I open the door and Katelyn and the rest of the gang was there panting."
K~ Aaron "pant" Aphmau got hit
"pant." By an 18 wheeler and ran off into the forest " pant." Lets go find her now" ( She takes off running so I go with them.)
( Time skip to during them running.)
" After a little while all I see is Laurence on his knees crying in a clearing in front of a portal, the Nether Portal. So I run to him and pine him to the ground."
Aa~ Where is Aphmau Laurence where is she?
L~ Its all my fault they took her I just wanted to speak with her that's all I didn't mean for this to happen I'm so sorry!( He starts crying again.)
Aa~ Who took her?
L~ Dakota did!
Aa~ How do you know? He's my older brother I saw him take her t...to the Nether to her dad.
( I let go of him. Then the others come, and I tell them every thing. Next we went to find Zoey so we can open the portal.)
Aliks P.O.V
" After we went through the portal I took Aphmau to her old room and sat there waiting for her to wake up I am her old beast friend until her and her mom left. I'm so sorry Aph I really am."
( After sitting for a while Aph started to wake up. So I hugged her.)
Al~ Thank nether rack your okay.
Aph~ Of course I'm all ways okay with you babe.
Al~ What did you call me?
Aph~ I called you babe of course now where are we?
Al~ In your old room.
Aph~ Oh is that so.( She pulls me closer.) I love you Alik.( Then she kisses me. I couldn't help but melt into the kiss then I pulled away this is wrong.) What's wrong babe?
Al~ Its nothing let's go I need to get you out of here.( I grab her hand and run out the door only to see Dakota.)
Dk~ Where do y'all think your going?
Al~ I'm taking her to her dad she just woke up.
Aph~ Hey my dad, we can ask him if we could get married Alik?
Dk~ Well I didn't know y'all were a thing.
Aph~ What we've been dating for 3 years I love him so much.
Dk~ Okay let's go see your dad and Alik that's a keeper she has a cute butt to.
Al~ Shut up Dakota!
( Time skip to when they meet the Shadow Lord.)
( Sl~ Shadow Lord.)
Sl~ Well hello my little shadow princess.
Aph~ Hello Dad I've missed you so much.
Sl~ Me too so have you learned all your powers?
Aph~ No ser I haven't.
Sl~ Its fine you'll learn soon let's change your clothes to something more shadow like.
Aph~ Yes of course I was wondering if me and Alik could get married I have been dating him for 3 years?
( The Shadow Lord looks at Alik.)
Sl~ You mean the demon warlords son?
Aph~ Yes dad.
Sl~ That's great honny I was already planning for it but first I need to turn you into a shadow knight so we can take over the world.
Aph~ I can't do that I know the pain that takes to turn I watched Alik do it.
Sl~ It doesn't hurt right Alik?( He looks toward Alik.)
Al~ Yes it doesn't hurt at all.
Aph~ Well okay.
Sl~ Great! Ally change Aphmau into something more dark.
Ally~ Yes Ser. ( She takes Aphmau to her room and changes her into the dress above, then leaves.)
Aliks P.O.V
Al~ How long is this love potion will affect her?
Ad~ 3 days.
Sl~ Alik you are very lucky to have my daughter I can't wait to see my grandchildren as the most powerful people who ever lived.( Alik leaves and goes to Aphs room.)
Al~ Yeah I guess. ( I Knock on Aphs door.)" Knock, Knock, Knock" Aphmau can I come in?
Aph~ Yeah sure come in babe do you need something?
Al~ No I was just coming to make sure your okay.
Aph~ Oh that's so sweet of you to care.
Al~ Hey Aph what's the last thing remember?
Aph~ Me and you at a picnic. Why do you ask?
Al~ Just wanted to know.
Aph~ Well okay aren't you excited that were getting married I'm so excited for the wedding I love you so much.
Al~ Yeah me to I guess.
Aaron's P.O.V
( One day later.)
Ga~ Hey Aaron are you okay?
Aa~ Yeah I'm just worried about Aph.
Ga~ I know how you feel how could Aph come out of that crash unharmed. She would have died.
Aa~ She didn't get hurt because she locked down on impact of the truck.
Ga~ Yeah, wait! What? She locked down?
Aa~ N..No what are you talking about hahaha.
Ga~ Aaron your hiding something from us.
Aa~ No I'm not.
Ga~ Aaron if you don't tell me we'll never get Aph out.
Aa~ I'm sorry I can't tell you.
Ga~ Oh well I guess Aph will be stuck there because we can't find a way to open the portal by the time we find a way she'll be a shadow knight.
Aa~ We don't need to find a way I can open it I was to do it the human way! Dame it Aaron why can't you keep your mouth shut.
Ga~ So you can open it? Wait if you can open it does that mean your a...
Aa~ Yes I'm not supposed to tell anyone don't tell anyone I'll open the portal but me and have to go where the portal is, then when I open it we call our friends over and say it opened by itself okay.
Ga~ Great idea I don't want to loose Aphmau she was always there for me.
Aa~ Okay since no ones watching let's do it.( They run to the portal and Aaron's opening the portal.)
( While Aaron's opening the Portal.)
Aphmaus P.O.V
" Wow I can't wait to get married to Alik he's so nice."
Ally~ Miss Aphmau your father wanted me to inform you that your turning tonight in two hours.
Aph~ Thanks Ally.
Ally~ Your welcome your majesty.( Ally leaves then Alik comes in.)
Al~ Okay Aph we are leaving on a trip to the over world.
Aph~ Really!
Al~ Yeah now hurry or we can't go.
Aph~ Okay.( I see Aph rush to her bed grabs her satchel.) Okay I'm ready let's go.

Phoenix Drop High A Twisted Beginning Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang