Ivy and The shot.

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" 2 years later Aph is 19, Aaron's 20 and Levin's 10."

Aphmau's P.O.V

" I wake up in the middle of the night and decided to get some fresh air so I got out of bed put my hair up and got changed into my long black hoodie and mask on. Then I teleport by the telaporter outside and I take my bike out and drive to the lake. Then I park and sit on the dock of the lake and I take out my wallet and I have a picture of me and everyone for 3 or 4 hours. ( Ply the song.)

Aph~ Ugh I need to control my actions I need to take more control. " Then my hand started to turn purple so I calm myself again and when I get up there are a lot of Shadow souls around me." Oh fuck! " I pull out my sword and I start to fight and I kill all the shadow souls, but when I finished I saw my self looking at me smiling." I know your not me and I know I'm not going crazy.

Ivy~ Remember me Aphmau. It's me Ivy and I'm the new you. " Then I saw Michi walk over with Dakota."

Aph~ What's going on wait y'all made a clone of me.

Dk~ Yep and your not getting away this time. " Dakota charges me and I form to the good one and I kill him with one slice this time I didn't hold back."

Mic~ You, you killed him!

Aph~ Yes now it's your turn.

Mic~ Hmm no! " Ivy injects me with some thing and started to fight me so I had to fight back then Michi hit me really hard in the head and everything goes black."

3rd P.O.V

" Michi knocks Aph out."

Mic~ I can't believe she killed Dakota.

Ivy~ Oh who cares I get Aaron and that's all that matter's let's go lock her up.

Mic~ Yeah. " Michi and Ivy take Aphmau into the woods and put her in a casket and Ivy pushes her bike and chains it up to a tree next to Aph they cover it up with branches so it's hidden." How long till it will kill her?

Ivy~ In two months It's going to be her best and last birthday present she'll ever get ha, ha, ha. Now hurry up and burry her.

Mic~ What do you mean best and last?

Ivy~ She's going to die on her birth day and we'll just have to keep this between us and no will find her.

Mic~ Oh okay. " Michi and Ivy burry her and they drive to where they're living." Okay Aphmau this is where the other's and Aaron are staying at so all you need to do is get in the telaporter and it will teleport us into the place oh and Levin is your younger brother.

Ivy~ Okay  thanks now lets go. " They go into the telaporter and since Ivy look's just like Aph it lets them teleport and they go into the living room and everyone's there." Hey guys I'm back sorry I took so long I needed to get some air until some shadow souls attacked me and Michi saved me so we talked and she wanted us to give her another chance.

Aa~ Oh okay well' thanks Michi for saving her.

Mic~ Oh it was nothing I was just thankful is giving me a chance to prove my self.

Ivy~ No problem, but I don't know where your going to sleep.

Kc~ Michi Chan can room with Kawaii~Chan if that's okay.

Mic~ Yeah I would love to thanks Kawaii~Chan.

Aa~ Okay Aph It's time to for you to take Levin to school I can't today I have to work so I'll see you soon.

Ivy~ Okay bye.

Aa~ Bye." He kisses Ivy on the cheek and teleports out and drives to work with his bike."

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