Time For The Plan and Forms.

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Aaron's P.O.V

Aa~ " I started to wake up and Aph was not in bed so I got up and went to Zoey's room and Aph was holding Levin in her arms." Hey Aph.

Aph~ Oh hey good morning Aaron I'm just holding Levin for a while before Zoey did the spell I wont be able to touch him or him touch me in anyway.

Aa~ So y'all decided to do it today?

Aph~ Yeah I signed him in for school and he starts it tomorrow and also today Zoey, Lucinda, and Vlad are going to teach me and y'all how to control our powers.

Aa~ Wait did Vlyad even come with us?

Aph~ No he's coming to stay with us to keep Laurence in line since he has anger issues plus he's a Shadow knight.

Aa~ Oh okay. " Then Levin wakes up." Good morning Levin.

Le~ Good moning Aarom what's wrong sissy?

Aph~ Today Zoey's protecting you with the spell remember?

Le~  Oh okay. " Zoey comes In."

Zoe~ Aphmau it's time.

Aph~ Okay lets go to the living room. " We all go to the Living room and Levin wont let go of my leg." Levin I'm sorry we have to do this for your protection.

Le~ No I don't want to!

Aph~ Hey I'm sorry, but if we want to win you have to.

Le~ NO! No! No! " I nod to Zoey and she takes Levin off my leg and he's kicking and screaming." No please sis! " I start to cry and Aaron hugs me then Zoey keeps Abby and Levin away from us and Lucinda throws the potion at them. There was a bright light and Zoey let Levin and Abby go, but Levin can't come within 5 feet from me every time he tried he failed." Sis I'm scared.

Aph~ Don't be Levin this is for your own good I can't hurt y'all now. I'm sorry it will ony be for a while.

Le~ No! " He runs away with Abby."

Aph~ Okay guys lets get started training and controlling our forms.

Vl~ You sure Aph?

Aph~ Yes lets get to the training room. " I go to a metal bolted door and we al go in and there's a hallway surrounding another room with metal door and you can see into the room by a window." When we train or can't control our selves we need to be in there y'all can look into the window, but If who ever is in the room can't see you thru it when they are in there more likely me and Laurence.

Ga~ Wow who made this place?

Aph~ My mom she made it for it to be a safe place for like people us to be safe and to protect the good from bad. She made it to where I can come in even though I am bad. " I look down disappointed in my self." It was my fault I killed my mom.

Aa~ No don't say that Aphmau it's not your fault your mom sacrificed herself for you and the world from darkness.

Aph~ The fait for me is slim If I get turned into a Shadow knight I will become evil, but there is a problem If my Dad dies I'm next in line for the throne and become queen of the Nether and never come to this world.

Aa~ Aph....

Aph~ But I have an Idea I was thinking if I destroy the Nether once and for all everything will go back to normal, but it might kill me or make me lose my memory if I try to if I did it will turn all the Shadow knight's back to who they were, but the shadow souls won't we will have to kill them. So that would mean I free Laurence and Vlad from the hands of my father.

L~ And what if it won't work?

Aph~ I'll kill my Dad then myself after then everything will go back to normal and if it does come to that and I'm a monster I need y'all to kill me no matter what Aaron.

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