♂ Month Nine ♀

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C H A P T E R  F O U R


Month Nine


Isadora sighed as she walked down the aisle, grabbing a box of granola bars, tossing it into the cart Connor was pushing.

"We can cut this trip short if you're tired, Izzy. I can come back for the rest of the stuff tomorrow." He said, she rolled her eyes, irritated from him being too nice and this baby not wanting to be born. Everything had been so easy; no false alarms, no issues, constant cravings. As the days went by she grew more uncomfortable and since Connor was the only one around he was forced to deal with her moods.

"I read somewhere that walking helps," she said, grabbing more granola. Whenever the baby decided to show up, they probably wouldn't be sleeping or eating enough.

Connor didn't reply, just followed silently as she waddled down the aisles. She stopped in the baby section and sighed turning to face him.

"I feel ugly. Why can't she just get out already!" She said, throwing the list in the cart.

"Come here, Gorgeous." He held his arms out to hug her, kissing the top of her head. "If you realized how many men I wanted to hit with the cart, you wouldn't feel that way." She laughed, looking up at him. "You'd think they'd stop since your pregnant, but I think it made it worse." He mumbled, the honesty in his voice made her hug him more tightly.

"I love you, Connor. I'm sorry I'm so mean."

"I'd be mad if there was a human in me that didn't want to get out too." He squatted down and started whispering. "Hey, baby girl, I'm going to need you to get out, especially when you see how spoiled you're going to be." She smiled, running her fingers through his hair.

"Okay, I want to go home now." He shot back up and went straight to the cashiers, a lady with a child of her own let them cut in front.

"No one that pregnant should be waiting, trust me." She had said, they thanked her and began moving their items as fast as possible.

"When are you due?" The cashier asked, smiling.

"Last week," she replied, watching her reaction.

"Oh wow."



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It was 3:08 ㏂ when Connor gently shook Isadora awake.

"Babe, I think your water broke." He whispered urgently, she swatted his hand away.

"Five more minutes."

"What?" She didn't bother to reply, trying to go back to sleep. "You complain about her not wanting to come out and now that she does, you want to sleep?"

"Uh huh," she hummed, pulling the blanket back over herself.

"Isadora I swear to God-"

"She took a whole week, so I want my five minutes!" She yelled at him before a slow pain started to build up. "Ow, ow, ow ow ow. Okay, never mind, damn." Connor hurried to get the baby bag as she got out of be, whining. "Oh my God, Connor that really hurt and they're supposed to get worse!"

"You'll be fine, they have stuff for pain in the hospital."

"No wonder my mom gave me up."

"That's not funny," Connor said as she giggled.


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"If it's that easy every time, I want to have another one." Isadora said as she breastfed Charlie, Connor laughed, his finger held in her little grasp.

Her labor had been a quick six hours, much to everyone's relief.

"It's those Latin hips of yours," Melanie had said, making her laugh.

"She's so pretty." He whispered, as if speaking at a normal volume would disturb her. Charlie Kimberly Galahad was born a healthy eight pounds seven ounces with a full set of dark curls like her father. "When can we take her home?" He asked, excited like they just bought a puppy.

"After she's done eating," she said, smiling at him, but he was too busy staring at Charlie to notice. "I think you're losing circulation in that finger." Connor glances down briefly before shrugging.

"I got nine other ones."


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"Connor I told you to put her in the baby seat." Isadora scolded once she stepped out of the bathroom. She changed into some fresh clothes and she couldn't remember the last time she felt so good.

"But I want to hold her." He whined, she sighed, at least he'd put a diaper and clothes on her, "look she likes it." He pointed to her choking grip on the stuffed pink whale toy that they had picked out, they didn't want a regular teddy bear. There was a knock on the door and the nurse came in with a wheelchair.

"It's a requirement, dear." She grabbed her purse and set it on her lap as she sat down.

"Connor if you don't give Charlie to your mom and roll me out this hospital I don't know where you're going to be sleeping tonight and so forth." The nurse chuckled, patting him on the back.

"The dads are always the worst." She said, guiding them to the nearest elevator.




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