1 - The Virgin

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Clarke's POV -

It's 7:00 am and already half the City of Virgo was awake and going to work, school or running errands. Clarke Griffin, however has been up since 6:30 am just because she wants to. She likes to wake up early before the streets get loud with the sounds of cars and people.She likes to sit on her balcony as the 6 am light starts to shine and drink a cup of coffee. She likes to relax in the peace and quiet place of her little two-bedroom apartment balcony. She likes mornings in general but by the time 7 am comes she gets up and immediately gets ready for her classes at her collage, VU (Virgo University).

She's a very smart girl. The top of her graduating class. She knows how smart she is and is proud of herself along with her mother. Her mother would always push her to do better so now she always pushes herself even if it seems hard because after all, grade or not she's not failing. Besides, her mother would be disappointed and ever since her father died a year ago she doesn't want to disappoint the only family she has left. She walks over to her closet, taking out her outfit, laying it on the bed. She hears her roommate in the shower a few seconds later as she changes into a pastel pink bra and underwear.

Clarke has always been fond of the lightercolors. Of course, a few times she'll wear something darker by the influence ofher roommate, Raven. She soon changed into a light blue pair of skinny jeans, alighter grey tank top with a white cardigan and white flats. She smiles atherself in the long body mirror on her closet door and goes over, sitting ather vanity starting put on the little to no makeup she wears. People have toldher before that she has a more natural beauty to her and that made her not wantto wear makeup at all for a while but recently she only puts on some mascara tomake her bright, blue eyes pop more and a hint of blush to her light skinnedcheeks to make them have more color. She's happy with her appearance. She smiles a little as she applies the makeup as she sees Raven walk in through the mirror with a towel around her body and around her hair. The only reason Raven goes into her room is to barrow a clothing item so she doesn't say anything and lets her friend browse around her room as if it was a clothing store downtown.

Clarke later stands up and grabs her bag, seeing the time is now 7:30 am and her firstclass starts at 8. "see you later, Raven." she says as she's walking out. "ByeBlondie!" she hears her yell back and smiles just as she takes her wavy, layered, sunflower blonde hair out of the pony tail and it falls to aboutto the wing bones on her back.

Both girls are very smart but Clarke knows Raven is the smarter one in all areas in and out of school. Clarke is smart with school as well but focuses more on things outside of her future and more on her now. Clarke does envy Raven most times though. It Surprises her Clarke most days that Raven even in a Virgo.

Classes start at 8:05 am and its now 7:40 am. She thought about it and decided she should go see her boyfriend Wells, for a second just to say hi as she sometimes does for him. She drives to his apartment. After a few minutes, she arrives and quickly goes inside so she can be in and out. After she makes it up to his floor she goes to his room with the key he gave her and opens the door walking inside.

"Wells?" she called out after closing the door. They've been together since they were 16 all because their parents know each other and wanted them to date. Little did they know they would like each other. Now since September their 18 and still together. They have even planned their future together.

Clarke always thought of how perfect their life will be together and she can't wait to make their plans come true.

She walks around and thinks. She doesn't want to seem annoying because she's not typically the annoying type. Most of the time when she wants to she can be laid back and it's relaxing for Finn. She goes down the hall and knocks on his bedroom door then suddenly she pauses.

The door is locked. She looked down and sees clothes on the floor. Wells clothes along with a bra and underwear and dress. She looks back at the door before a few moans from the room start filling the apartment. Both a guy and a girl. Finn and that slutty bitch from school, Roma.

Clarke is a Virgin. Most people in Virgo wit till marriage and that's what she was doing and that's what he said he was doing. Tears start to brim in her eyes but she quickly wipes them away. Shedoesn't want to cry. Not over him. Not over this boy she's been with for a fewyears but who could've been lying for who knows how long to her. 7:50 am. She sniffles and wipes her eyes storming out and throwing thekey after she gets down to her car, getting in and driving to class. Shedoesn't want to cry but her emotions are pushing the tears out. One lingersdown her cheek. She's not gonna let herself give in. She's too angry with himto be sad right now.

She knows it's weird. Her not reacting to her boyfriend sleeping withsomeone else. She knows she should be at home crying and eating ice cream andhoping tings will turn up and she'll find someone better. But she's never been the type to give into things like this. She wants to be strong. It's now 4:05 pm and Clarke leaves schools and starts driving home. Shemissed 5 calls from Raven and a million texts, one from her mom and one from Wells along with a few other tests. She could've answered but she didn't wantto. She didn't want to talk to anyone today.

When she gets home, Raven comes up to her. "where have you been all day, C? I haven't seen you at all except this morning." she says looking at her. Clarke looks at her. "Wells cheated on me Raven." she starts to tear up again and Raven's face softens. "Oh shit Clarke..." she says. Clarke nods and sniffles sitting on the couch. "but I'm not gonna let myself get this upset. i want to do something to keep my mind off it. something big that will help me forget for a little bit." she says as so many thoughts rush through her head. "Like what? we'll do whatever you want." Raven says and sit sown next to her, rubbing her back.

"We'll you know that Scorpio anniversary party next week? 12th of November?" Clarke says and looks down. "Yeah why-" Raven pauses and her eyes widen. "Clarke there's no way you. Clarke Griffin. wants to go to that?" she looks at her. Clarke looks back. "I surprising do. Raven. I know it's crazy but having Wells do this is making me want to just do something out of the ordinary to help me forget." she explains. Raven sighs ans thinks. "If we get caught we die you know." Clarke nods. "I know and we won't. Ill make sure we get home safe and sound." he says, Raven sighs again. "okay fine." Clarke smiles a little. "It will be fun okay? we'll make it fun." Raven smiles a little and looks at her. "Who are you and what have you done with Clarke?" she jokes and they both laugh a little and she wipes her eyes and sniffles. she's starting to feel better already.

A few hours later Clarke got ready fro bed. She ran her hand through her hair and sighs. She doesn't really know what to think. This was a random thought she had planned through out the sad. She starts to wonder if its just her emotions clouding her judgment. Sheespecially doesn't know when Wells calls her at that moment, interrupting her thoughts. She sighs again, knowing she needs to talk to him. She picks up her phone and answer with a soft, unsure voice.

"hey..." she looks down.


Sign order:


1 - Virgo

2 – Aries

3 - Gemini

4 - Sagittarius

5 - Cancer

6 – Capricorn


7 - Aquarius

8 - Taurus

9 - Libra

10 – Leo

11 – Pisces

12 - Scorpio

sorry its long if you don't like that :( I really love the zodiac stuff and I'm in love with Bellarke so I just kinda thought of this Some chapters short and some long. Hope you like.

Bellarke will come soon to thighs eager ones for the good stuff (-;

Also were it says the signs comment what sign you are if you'd like and what city would you be in

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