The Halbarry fanfic that was read

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I just figured I'd let you all know what fanfic Barry read.

~A couple of hours later~

Me: *Goes on my phone wanting to read this old fanfic I used to read a lot and sees that Barry didn't leave the fanfic* Huh. *Looks around and sees that Barry isn't here then decides to read the fanfic*

"Hal, Hal! I need you, God do I need you here right now," Barry moaned into the receiver, breathless, "I need your hands on me, touching me-"

"-you bastard," he heard Hal hiss quietly into his end of the line, "you're doing this to get back at me for the sexting thing aren't you!?"

Hal was on a business trip with Carol, a very long trip with Carol about getting new planes for the airstrip. The pilot was there only for testing the planes, and while Carol was in negotiations, Hal was sitting in the lobby bored out of his skull.

Or at least that's what he texted Barry. So Barry thought that this was the perfect opportunity for some payback. Granted he hadn't originally planned on having actual phone sex, but as he planned out what he was going to say he realized just how much he missed Hal, how much he wanted the man there on those lonely nights and...well...

The blond let out a whimper as his hand stroked up and did that twisting thing that Hal always did to him.

"Oh God...Barry, are you," Hal's gulp was audible over the phone, "You're're...fuck, oh fuck...You're not're really..."

"Yes," Barry moaned, "I am. I want you. Here. With me. Right now."

"Hold on." There were sounds of movement, fabric brushing against fabric, then the sound of a door opening and closing.

Barry gave a breathless laugh, "Where are you hiding?"

"Janitor's closet, I'm using the ring to barricade the door and keep sound from getting out." Hal's voice had become lower, thicker as he let the arousal take over. There was the telltale sound of a zipper being undone and more sounds of fabric being moved. The brunette let out a relieved groan. Barry could mentally see the man leaning against a wall, surrounded by cleaning supplies, free hand wrapped around his cock, stroking in time with Barry's pants. He was probably all dressed up for the meetings, a dark colored suit that Carol would have made him wear; she always said Hal looked good and dark colors and Barry couldn't disagree with her on that. "You?"

"In the living room, on the couch -ah-!" Barry's head rolled back against the couch cushion, hips thrusting up into his fist.

"Slow down there, Barr; don't want you to come just yet."

Barry whimpered again, but slowed his hand down to almost a stall. He licked his lips and asked, "What are you wearing?"

"A dark grey suit," Hal grunted over the phone, "A light blue button up, no tie."

"Mmm, sexy." Barry knew it and he grinned about being right. He slid further down the couch, ass coming to rest on the edge of the cushion, his legs spreading further apart, giving him more room and more leverage to thrust into his fist. "I'm wearing socks. White socks with the red stripes near the top."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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