The Wedding

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It has been six months since Chris proposed to you. Your wedding was in a week, and you were with your best friend (Y/F/N) looking at wedding dresses. Your friend was trying to find one for you. (You had to hustle) soon she found one and it was beautiful. You tried it on and loved it. You bought it and went home before Chris got there so you could hide it. Knowing him, he would probably find it and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.


You were in a little room getting ready with your friends and mom. You couldn't wait to be married to the love of your life. Soon, it was the half hour mark. Your heart was starting to pound. You couldn't wait any longer. You finally finished getting ready when it was just getting to 3:00. Time to start lining up.
Your dad started walking you down the aisle and the intro to Turning Page by Sleeping at Last started to play. You looked at Chris' face and he was smiling ear to ear with tears in his eyes. Your dad handed you to Chris and he said "you look so beautiful." You smiled and you guys walked up to the alter. The priest put his hands down to let the people know that they can sit. You guys said your vows. All that was left were the 'I Dos'
"Christopher Robert Evans, do you take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded Wife?"
"I Do." Chris said smiling.
"And (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N),do you take Christopher to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"
"I Do." You said excitedly.
"You may kiss the bride." The priest said. 'Finally!' You thought to yourself. You and Chris kissed and everyone started clapping, whistling and screaming. The both of you looked at each other, smiled and walked down the aisle together to Blake Shelton's God Gave Me You.
At the reception, you guys sat a table while your friends and family went up to the microphone to say a little something for the both of you. When it was time for the couple dance, the song Amazed by Lonestar started, you guys were the only ones in the floor and it was like nobody else was around. You wish it could have been like that forever. But, sadly the song had to end. It was okay though, because you guys had the rest of your life to dance. Everyone kept on coming up to you and congratulating you and Chris. And you guys were pretty tired. Soon it was time to go for the honeymoon. Chris wouldn't let you know where you two were going. But to be honest, you didn't really care. As long as you were with him. You guys drove off on the road to your next destination as you two started the rest of your life together.

Hey Guys!
So, this one, I really like it. And I hope you guys do too.
Please let me know what you guys think of it.
(To be honest-- I was about to put final destination instead of next destination. Just cause I just watched the movie a couple nights ago...😂)
Also, school is finally over. And that means that I will be able to update more.


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