Moving Into New House

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         You and Chris had decide to move into a new house. You were pregnant and you both didn't want your child to be raised in the neighborhood that you lived in now. There was lots of break-ins and you just didn't want something to happen. Better safe than sorry. You guys had finally agreed on a house that you both liked. Even though it had taken forever, you where happy that you had found one. Today was moving day and you were both really excited. You had just loaded up yet another box of all your stuff.          
         "What? What's wrong?" You yelled through the house. Chris came around the corner and gave you a look of disappointment.
         "You know you're not supposed to be lifting! It's bad for you and the baby." He scolded. He told you that you weren't allowed to do any lifting because you recently had a scare and had to go to doctor and he said no heavy lifting. You rolled your eyes and looked at him.
         "Chris. I am not just going to stand here and do nothing while you do it all by yourself. And besides, the box isn't heavy." You said lifting the box and walking over to him.
        "I'm sorry. I just don't want anything to happen to our little (Y/B/N)." You smiled, kissed him and walked to the truck. 
          After 3 hours of loading and unloading, you guys finally had all the boxes and other stuff in the new house. You had started unpacking all your kitchen things and then the bathroom. You couldn't stand it anymore so you went to go see if the bedroom was put together. It wasn't quite done but you could make the bed. 'Thank god' you though to yourself. It was almost midnight before you found the bedding and put it all together. You were so tired that as soon as you laid on the bed, you fell asleep. Chris came in and seen you sleeping. He covered you with a blanket as climbed in too.

Hey guys!
Okay. I'm so sorry. It has been FOREVER since I last updated. Hopefully it won't take this long to update the next one. Cross your fingers. Anyways, let me know what you think!
Bye Guys!

(Added a little something lol)

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