Lambeth Palace Road Bus Stop

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Lambeth Palace Road Bus Stop


I perch on the metal bar of the bus shelter and shuffle in my big jumper. The cool wind whips my hair around, but I am too happy and excited to care. My first proper date! I look to my left and watch a few children playing in the park.

'Ok there Maggie,' says a voice close to my ear. My heart leaps, but then I turn around, it isn't Leon it is Nancie. Oh no! She can't see me with Leon! I smile quickly and pick at a stray thread on my shirt.

'Nancie, listen to me. You must tell no one, no one at all. I am seeing Leon today,' I say, slightly ashamed.

'You what? Maggie, no! It's illegal, if...' But Nancie's voice trails off as a boy in a green t-shirt approaches.

'Go! Go!' I exclaim.

'I have to tell someone about this! You do this Maggie and you might as well be a criminal, therefore my enemy,' yells Nancie, her eyes more scared than angry.

'You're the one who has the boyfriends. This is practically my first and now I have Leon, you're just annoyed. You wanted to be the one with the boyfriend,' I yell, tears threatening at the corners of my eyes. Nancie narrows her eyes and then runs away. I sigh and press my forehead against the glass. I close my eyes and tell myself to stay calm.

'Ok there Maggie,' says a voice by my ear. This time my heart doesn't jump; it just lays there beating mournfully. I don't answer and face away from him.

'Maggie? Are you OK?' he says, his voice cautious.

'No. My best friend Nancie hates me and doesn't want me to see you. I like you Leon, but that is what my heart wants. My head is telling me it's wrong. What do I do?' I say looking at him at last. His eyes are thoughtful and for a second I think he is going to run away, but instead he just steps closer.

'Maggie, what do you want to do? If I walked away now, never saw you again, fell in love with another girl, how would you feel? Or, we carry on as normal, approaching things with caution. Together,' says Leon, trying to put it into perspective.

'I want to stay with you Leon. I know it's dangerous, but that is what I want to do. Nancie can keep to her life and I'll deal with mine. I take100% responsibility over my actions,' I say, smiling at my decision.

'Ok, if that's really what you want,' he whispers and gently puts an arm around my shoulder.

We walk through a few parks, peacefully chatting. I like Leon; he is so different to the other boys that I have met. He doesn't ramble about football and is genuinely interested about what I have to say.

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