Day 8

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Chatsworth Criminal Prison: Ward 1

Day 8

So much for getting some sleep last night, I was awake most of the time, worrying about how I would pull this off. If I am found and seen talking to Leon, I would almost certainly be put into another cell and have my sentence lengthened. I must not think of that though.

Sallie comes right on time, with all the kit we need. She guards the door whilst I change into the uniform. It is scratchy, black and loose - it makes the cat suits seem like heaven. Sallie comes in and pulls my hair back into a tight bun and adds dark shadows to my eyes. She gives me one of the standard black hats that were like solid berets. I have no idea how she smuggles in leather boots, but she does. Then, once her work is done, Sallie leaves. She locks the door because that way they would never know that she was part of the plan.

I walk silently up to the wall and whisper, 'Laura, are you awake? I'm going. I'm going to go and talk things through with Leon.'

'Okay my sweet. Good luck,' she answers.

I take a deep breath and peer through the slat in the door. The coast is clear. I take the magnet, provided by Sallie, and position it at the door. I slide it through a gap in the door and lodge it in. Then with the iron bar I edge the door open. I wiggle around the magnet and at last the door opened.

I am out. I can run, run away and leave everything behind. What good would that do me? I would be an escaped criminal with nowhere to go and everyday I would worry over Leon. No, I must speak to him first. At least then he would understand that we could possibly work.

My plan is to convince Leon to leave Chatsworth. To change his records and his name and join the LSA. It was a big ask, but I can see that he does really hate it here.

I keep my head down and approach the white lift doors. I am surprised to see no guards near the door. The lift is sleek metal and has a mirror at the back. I study myself in the mirror and I am amazed at how much older and more professional I look. Sallie did a good job.

The lift gives a metallic ting as it levels out at Ward 2. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck tingle, but I keep my face stern and concentrated. I can't help but look at the prisoners in each room. I notice that they are wearing navy blue, not black overalls. The corridor seems to stretch forever and room 11 seems to never come.

Unfortunately it does though. I place the magnet at the lock and turn it as if you would a key. The door unlocks and I see Leon sat up on his bed.

'Leon Matthews? 'I say, more of a question.

'Yes, what do you want?' he says not looking upwards. I think he is being stubborn, but then I realise that he genuinely hasn't noticed it is me.

'Leon, we need to talk, 'I say, calmly.

'Maggie, what the hell are you doing here?' Leon says sounding more angry than thankful.

He looks up this time and I realize how bad he looks. Leon has been in his cell the same amount of time as me, but I know that in Ward 2, they are treated as dangerous criminals and are forced to do hard labour.

Leon has dark shadows under his eyes, which makes his eyes seem almost clear. His skin is pale and his hair fell over his eyelids.

'What...'I say, but I trail off as he turns away from me.

'My life is dead now Maggie. They are putting me down to bottom rank, 'he says.


'You don't know what that means for me do you?' Leon says his voice almost bitter. I shake my head.

'It means I have to share a room with nine other people. It means that the only missions I will do are contained within the base. I will be trapped, 'he says.

'I have a plan Leon. You could leave and join us, 'I say.

'No Maggie! Don't you get it? I ruined my life! And you helped me to! Maggie, I never want to see you again. I don't want to. I think that answered your idea. Would you care to leave now?' he says facing the wall.

It is like a nightmare. How stupid was I to think that he would come?

'What did they do to you?' I ask, my voice rising.

'They made me see Maggie. They made me wake up to life. They made me see what was right. I do what I do, I trained at Chatsworth and I will remain here because otherwise I would have to run away, forever running. You've already ruined my future,' Leon says, his voice angry and cool.

Tears drip out of my eyes and I walk up to Leon. I don't bother to say anything I just slap him round the face.

'What was that for?' he asks, rubbing his cheek.

'For existing, 'I say and start towards the door.

'Maggie, wait' says Leon, standing up this time.

'What can you possibly say that will change anything? 'I ask, turning bitter.

'Did I ever tell you about my parents?' he asks. I say nothing.

'They were LSAs Maggie. They abused me though and I was brought here to train against the LSAs because they had hurt me and I wanted to hurt them in return, it's awful, I know. I remember trying to escape from my house, when my mother found me. She slapped like you just did, but twice as hard and over and over again. You've just made me realise how awful the LSAs are. I can't believe I once loved one,' he says his eyes catching onto mine.

'You are terrible Leon Matthews and I hope never to see you again,' I say as angry tears make tracks down my face and I run out of the door. I lock the door with so much force that I hear Leon swear in shock from the inside. I don't care though, I run all the way to the lift and all the way back to my cell. I hate Chatsworth. I hate Leon.

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