Chapter 4

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Your Pov

"How's the man in the mirror?" I heard a familar voice ask chuckling startling me as I dropped my pills on the floor instantly

"Hey Zayn" I said picking my pills up off the ground as Zayn crouched down to help me

"Sorry I was ju-Um Y/n?" Zayn said my name sounding rather confused as I looked up to see my bottle in his hand.

"Why are you taking testosterone?" He asked looking at me with confused eyes I could feel my heart dropping at a fast pace as I stared at him with a blank face

I can't lie to him If I do it's freshman year all over again..

"Zayn can we talk in private?" I asked looking at an empty classroom nearby as he handed me back the bottle

"Y/n what is there to talk about tell me why did you have that test-Oh!" Zayn yelped as I pulled him into the nearby classroom

I sighed deeply as my heart raced before I locked the door leaving us destitute as we stood in complete silence.

"Zayn don't talk just listen, My entire life I knew I would have to come out everyday, Every new job, friend, and family member" I said briefly as Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Dude if your trying to tell me your gay it's cool with me. But it doesn't explain the pills" He said pointing at the bottle in my grasp

"I'm not gay so to speak but let me ask you this Zayn" I said making him all ears

"What does LGBT stand for?"

"I don't know why your asking me because it's simple Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transg-" The minute Zayn was about to say the last word he had an epiphany about what I was trying to say

"So wait your a-"

"I am a Female to Male transgender" I said with my eyes closed hanging my head low trying not to look him within the eyes

"Ohhh.."Zayn said as I could feel my heart coming out of my chest.

"So that's why your taking testosterone, To become more guy like" He said fluently while I stayed silent and continued to hang my head low.

"Then that's all you had to say" He said as I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow

"What?" U asked as he looped his arm around me

"It's not a big deal to me y/n, It's not like it's some sort of mental illness or disease. You are just being yourself" He smiled at me as I returned it with a grin.

"I wish there were more people like you Z"

"There are actually, You know my friend Taylor?" He asked as I nodded my head

"His girlfriend is actually Trans"

"I didn't know that, She looks so girly it's not even funny" I said nonchalantly as Zayn opened the classroom door.

"She doesn't hide it, But you know hey"

"I'm just glad I got this off my chest, But don't tell anyone ok?" I said as Zayn simply nodded understanding my situation.

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